Tuesday, June 20, 2006

what doesnt kill you will probably make you limp

over a year and half to go before the big fury bush disolves into the history he so richly deserves to be left in dust of. Best just to sit back and enjoy the rich tapestry of unfolding lawsuits, untrammeled executive power, the trojans of lobbyists skewering the democratic process, the torture, the killings, the negroponte'ing of iraq, the war on liberty, the liberty of excess and so much more that I should poemize, and if I am serious, I will.

As for the ol hometown of australia, I have little john and his fun with being king of all that a compliant senate will allow and so far has brung. Will we vote again to give the sheriff free rein to ellucidate all that he neglected to mention during the last election, the work place relations, the asylum laws which create a non-state of australia within the borders of australia, the terror laws which make it a crime to mention the terror laws, the utter bullshit and the king of bureaucratic bullshit, phill ruddock.

how can man whose last department was described offically as "disfunctional" "incompetent" and corrupt be the very man in charge of all laws in the land and the one man charged to keep us safe from terror, not that I dont have a natural aversion to terror, its all in the fact that it is terrifying, which is I suppose the point to call it such.

anyway, first post so I am just filling in words while awaiting the apocalypse/rapture, I am so hopeful that its the rastifarians who have got it right and we have a great big spliff fest to mark the last day before we get assigned to our rightful slots in heaven, hell or limbo. Me, I gots a good deceased pub picked out already, one that closed many years ago and Ive been missing it ever since, the punters club, if there is a heaven, it must contain dead bars, otherwise whats the point of calling it paradise.


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