Wednesday, July 26, 2006

lets wedge it fission style

Johnie Howard is licking his lips at the prospect of another wedge non-issue being blown to the voting public, the nuclear debate. While awaiting his somewhat skewed panel to answer the skewed questions it is being tasked to investigate, the Labour Party is about to revisit the thorny question of the three mines policy, a policy that in most peoples minds is one of those little bit pregnant ideas that should be re-addressed. There is no question that this will be debated hotly within the Labour Party and cause dissension, hence bringing a big smile to Little J's face after all the rancor spilling from the Liberals over the last few weeks. And there is no question that his workplace relations (as in conjugal) legislation needs a little time off peoples minds.

The question for little J to answer is, where will he be placing his nuclear power station and enrichment plant, and I am taking it that the real question he wants answered is already answered in the affirmative. Which elecorate will he be willing to sacrifice, or which national party seat is currently being run by a batshit crazy loon (wilson tuckey please sit down)?

Little J:"Well, we should look at uranium enrichment. Of course we should. We as a nation for generations have lamented the fact that we had the finest wool in the world, but we sent it overseas to be processed." (we still do little J.)

"All I am wanting is this country to be open-minded enough to have a look at the alternatives and then in the fullness of time, and we're not talking about the next two or three years, we're talking about a longer time frame than that, a look at all of the alternatives and see where we're going. And I can't, for the life of me, understand why people are being so short sighted and narrow minded and backward looking." Short sighted may be defined as seeing one option, nuclear, as being all the alternatives, but maybe I am nitpicking here.

The panel has its answers it can now relax and work on the conclusion, before is needs to look forward to all those rich delicious, information fueled energy company lunches and weekend retreats in French and US nuclear villages. Much like the Cheney energy plan, written and concieved by the US energy industry, this inquiry will bring down findings that are fair and impartial, but we wont get to see the inner workings, just the outer spin.
The way the right in this country salivates at the thought of not only using the nuclear issue as a good political wedge, but as sound policy, makes me laugh in my free market boots. Solar, wind, geothermal and wave power are all derided as economically foolish and a drain upon the poor tax payers pockets, yet the nuclear industry was but a twinkle in a few physists eyes a mere 70 years ago, before the public funded the Manhattan Project and made it a reality. The Manhattan Project is acknowledged as the worlds largest tax payer subsidised venture ever undertaken, why in this time of acknowledged need and danger is the same not called for today? Why? Maybe its because the australian coal industry is currently writing policy for the governement and making sure that all alternatives are but one, the ridiculously overblown and non-existant geosequestration. Make a hole, fill it with co2, walk away and forget, thats the current answer to global energy problems coming from our government, oh and I shouldnt forget the nuclear reactor on the mornington peninsula.

The other great load of crap in the debate is the idea that the nuclear commision will be incorporating the CO2 outcomes of current emissions and including that in their economic forcasts, where as the other potential power scources are not permitted to be viewed through that particular economic lense, they must stand or fall on a pure dollar cost balance analysis. Hypocrisy never gets better than a government wanting an outcome form a "fair and balanced" inquiry.

Then theres the little matter of the 1 in 1000 year chance that an orange bellied parrot will lose an elecorate for the national party to divert hundreds of millions of dollars out of our burgeoning wind farms industry. Now that was the most shameful bit of politics driven energy policy I have seen a very long time, well since the last time Senator Campbell tried to re-open the dargo high plains to cattle.

My main problem with nuclear is not its safety or its efficacy, my problem is that it is the least efficent way to boil water the world has so far invented. We use less than a single percent of the energy generated, and all it does is boil water to turn turbines. A billion dollars for a cup of coffee, only starbucks would create something so disapointing.

on the iraqi side of the world as it is being told to the americans
Iraqi PM Mr Maliki said:

"The security situation has got worse since the Government took control because the terrorists realise this is a government that can achieve security. All the groups involved in terrorism have escalated bombings, kidnappings and other actions."

Bush speak for, of course its a lot worse, that how we know its better.

Throw in another round of "last throes" from Cheney, a couple more "the next 6 months will see the turning points" from Thomas Friedman (so far 15 stretching from late 2003 to now) and top it all off with a "mission accomplished""heckovajob" combo from Bush, and we have the makings of one delicous bullshit pie. As Tony Snow might say, while smacking his lips "You can really really taste the shit in this, its even chunky, so you know its good and fresh for ya"

despatches from the War on Terror:

"Innocent passengers are being entered into an international intelligence database as suspicious persons, acting in a suspicious manner on an aircraft ... and they did nothing wrong," said one
federal air marshal.

These unknowing passengers who are doing nothing wrong are landing in a secret government document called a Surveillance Detection Report, or SDR. Air marshals told 7NEWS that managers in Las Vegas created and continue to maintain this potentially dangerous quota system.
"Do these reports have real life impacts on the people who are identified as potential terrorists?" 7NEWS Investigator Tony Kovaleski asked.
"Absolutely," a federal air marshal replied.

never be amazed that human decency can be overridden by a contract that gives you an extra few dollars if you do override human decency. Just ask any Wakenhut employee.
On the back of the US Sears Tower plot (why the Sears plot, coz one of the "terrorists" had been to Chicago, I am not kidding) where those charged had, no explosives, no plans, no weapons, no means and apparently little clue but still "exteremely dangerous" in their "aspirations", comes the trail of the melbourne/sydney terrorists. Once more, no explosives, no plans, no weapons, no means and apparently little clue but acording to the prosecution, they were all "aspirational".

Should this be a new level on the terror alert list, just above Green (dont panic, put your feet up and have a beer), Aspirational Aqua (feel slightly uneasy, make sure beer is within easy reach to grab on the very slender chance you need to potentialy walk slowly to safety)

from the I could have told them that for half the price column:



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