Monday, July 31, 2006

u n, we n, r n (lets call the hole thing off)

A recomendation:

some truly great podcasts, the Hitchens/Galloway debate is vitriol at its best, the understanding Jhiad, more than worth a listen and the evening with my favourite journalist, Robert Fisk, is as wonderful as it is depressingly informative.

Can anyone spot the impasse here:

Israel refuses to recognise Hamas or Hezzbollah.

Hamas and Hezzbollah refuse to recognise Israel.

You play diplomat and try to see where this state of affairs gets you.


It didnt take long for the IDF to muddy the waters for its impartial investigation, and for the rabid to make a big mudshake and drink down heartily,7340,L-3283816,00.html

much like the gaza beach shelling, the idea is that you bomb, kill, then spread as many distortions as you can, while promising a full investigation including any distortions, and in your conclusion, make sure that the distortion eg hamas planted a explosives on the beach, just near where the shelling occured (proof missing), or that the building was not hit by a US supplied smart bomb, but was in fact blown up from within by hezzbollah muntions stored within (proof missing). Also make sure that any timeline of events conforms to the IDF timeline rather than what occured and only interview IDF personelle, the fair and balanced will report the claims.

Spanish journalist Monica Leiva: “I am at the site of the bombarding at the moment. Here the people are still trying to pull the bodies out from under the ruins. At the moment they are trying to free the bodies of the children killed in the Israeli air raid. The bombarding continues. What more can I say? Israel is firing at everything – buildings, roads, vehicles. It is practically impossible for the locals to leave the area, as there is no guarantee that they will not be fired at while trying to escape the war zone. The people are very scared. The air raids started during the night and continue. There are no Hezbollah activists in Qana. There are only civilians here."

HEZZBOLLAH USING HUMAN SHEILDS,,19955774-5007220,00.html

screamed the headlines and repeated on numerous news services, the story is a little less than the headlines. The idea that a 1940's anti aircraft gun can bring down an F-16 is not quite my idea of anything other than a bit of a joke and illustrates the david and golliath nature of the conflict. Once more it begs the question, if the IDF can reduce to rubble all the nations in her immediate vicinity, can Israel still claim to be faced with annihilation at the hands of those very same people.



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