ramping up the bullshit..bush style (cruise missiles at 7)
Here is what we will be losing if Bush has his way, the incredibly beautiful city of Isfahan, location of the Iranian nuclear power plant currently under construction. With many thousands of Iranian pilgrims making yearly visits to the Shiite holy city of Najaf, it wont be long before Bush declares these an invading army and so, a danger to his failed policy. Wait for the next "Gulf of Tonkin" incident, its not to far away, judgeing by the lies falling from his mouth. Then the missiles will rain down over this city and its extremely hospitable, friendly people.
Remember, both Iraq and Iran are predominately Shiite, and so natural allies. So sez PM Malikim, most of the Iraqi parliament and the Iranians who have been talking from day one of the fall of Saddams regime, much to the dislike of the Bush regime.
Will I get to eat fesunjun again during the pomegranite season or be bitten by overly protective sheepdogs in the backblocks? Only Bush knows.