Friday, May 09, 2008

so, you think therefore you am.

Re: Bill Henson and his imminent arrest

my only comment on this ridiculous matter (i am busy watching porn, well watching, its a contact sport really), I would believe the outrage, the charges, the reaction of Chairman Rudd etc if they raided the offices of Vogue, Elle, Dolly, every advertising agency etc each time they placed a 12-16 in one of their products. Same goes for all those wonderful Fashion Weeks where I have had the dubious pleasure of chatting to beautiful 15 year olds as they tune up their attire. Until then it is just a vacuous load of puritan morality masquerading as law enforcement, no doubt driven by those wonderful friends of the vacuous, the religious right

Me, I find Playboy and Penthouse offensive, filled as they are with the products of the surgeons knife and the photoshop brush.

Current Moral Panics Sweeping the Nation:

1. Binge Drinking:

I love nostalgia, the six o'clock swill, god that was a great time, 5.50pm order as many beers as will fit on the bar and then drink them all before the bell goes to signal "Fuck Orf". Now they were the times when this land was filled with "Authentic Australians". I'm not old enough to have lived it, but I'm sure that it was conducive to civilized behavior in our model citizen's. Kids today, they just have no idea and so should be forced to do exactly as anybody over 50 tells them and if they don't obey instantly, they should have their neon coloured skate boards dismantled in front of them. Better yet, anyone who has over three drinks in the first hour should be jailed and sodomised to teach them the meaning good old fashioned morals.

What a complete load of fcuking twaddle. Let me drink and keep your fucking morals out of my vodka and I promise not to piss in the holy water at your next evangelical mystical experience. Better yet, just fuck off, completely.

1a. 2.00am

the truth is that the best people don't go out until 1.00am, the best time to roam the streets is after midnight, I mean, the drugs dont kick in till then and if I can get into Geddes Lane then I shall die on the streets of dehydration. Why do you wish to kill me? Why?

I don't want to be stuck in the Pony after the last band has finished at 2.30-3.00am, I wanna get high, I wanna be free, god I need a drink.

2. Ice

If you really cared about your kids then you would legalise drugs, then they could have the same clean high quality drugs like long dead UK PM Anthony Eden and US fighter pilots are given. When drugs are criminalised, then only criminals will supply drugs and they don't always have the best quality control mechanisms.

3. Anything to do with people under the age of 18

I agree, jail the little bitches til they see sense at age 24.

4. the price of oil

mmmmmmm lets see, you voted a few years back for a man who promised you low interest rates, even though he had no control over them. Now your bitchin about the Ruddsters high cost of oil, even though he's got nothing to do with setting the price. What the fuck are you morons talking about, either bring down global capitalism or fuck off back to whatever beaver you crawled out of.

Are you all sorry that instead of investing in alternate fuels and public transport you have been voting for tax cuts and the lobbyist's for the fossil fuel industry. No, you cant see the nexus? Holy fcuk batman.

5. Pensioners

Has there ever been a day when an old fart hasn't had something to complain about? No, welcome to the real world.

6. dredging the bay

despite the fact that our beautiful bay has been used and abused for a hundred years, the Blue Wedges folk would have you believe that it is "pristine". Bullshit, lets get the dredging out the way and the bay will heal itself, its what nature does. Taking a photo of a dead fish and then telling me that every fish the bay looks exactly the same will not make me believe that maybe you are hyping a threat to WMD Cheney standards. The mushroom cloud is not imminent, its shittake.

7. sheep's bums

having had the rather scarring task of putting a bullet in the head of flyblown sheep, I would ask the hysterical folks of PETA to re-consider. I am with them re: battery hens, battery cattle etc, I do believe that animal welfare in our food chain is of vital concern, I am a carnivore who does care. But....ahhh fuk it, I just hate sanctimonious friggin vegos, that's why this is here. Fcuk PETA.

8. Fat Kids

lets be sensible about this, if we publicly kill a few, maybe the rest will get the message about exercise. I know my ample proportions are the result of love, not hate and each inch contains a mound of lovely comestibles.

9. Muslims

When they are not trying to kill us, they are mocking our values by existing. This needs to be stopped, I congratulate the citzens of Camden on thier way of sidestepping intelligence through bureaucratic means, its true within every copy of the Koran there is a Dik Smith guide to bomb making. I find it so hard as an atheist defending superstition, but I will defend to the death (or a serious sprain) your right to be free to make the choice.

The agents of intolerance must be exposed for what they are, and what they are hiding behind. To those fcukwits who wrap themselves behind our flag and shriek about "values", just try to be honest and come out and give me your racism. I wont respect you for holding the thought, but I will uphold your right to be a total waste of good air.


"If you just let me go to Pyongyang, I'll get you a deal," the career Foreign Service officer said, prompting others to roll their eyes and move on.
In the twilight of the Bush presidency, the nuclear agreement that Hill has tirelessly pursued over the past three years has emerged as Bush's best hope for a lasting foreign policy success. In the process, Hill has become the public face of an extraordinary 180-degree policy shift on North Korea, from confrontation to accommodation.

McCain: "It's clear who Hamas wants to be the next President."

Here's how you can help in the War on Terror, a practical guide to keeping your good self out of Gitmo....

2,784 people killed, 119,400 injured and over $172,038,000 in economic damages
Here are 16,820 people who were harmed by someone not thinking critically.

Not all information is created equal. Some of it is correct. Some of it is incorrect. Some of it is carefully balanced. Some of it is heavily biased. Some of it is just plain crazy.


Re: the Rudd Leaks and the end of his honeymoon
I have two theories, neither really worthwhile.

a/ the other members of Rudds Cabinet are getting a little tired of being puppets and reading from Rudds prepared statements, rather than doing what they are paid for, making and implementing policy. You can only micro-manage so much before the people you are micro-managing start to resent the puppeteers strings.

b/ there are a thousand good reasons why after a long time in opposition and you gain power that in the first days in office you do a lot of bloodletting amongst your senior staff inherited from the previous administration. Howard did after all make an artform of placing like minded liberals in senior policy positions within the bureaucracy, and Rudd made a big play of not getting rid of them. Now he is paying the price. Unsheathe those knives pretty boy, the blood on the carpet will only make you look stronger, the bodies piling up beneath the stairs will remind the public service that Stalin was not all beer and ice cream, but a bit of a cad when it came to HR. Bring on the night of the long knives.

If you blend these two together, I'm pretty sure I'm close to the stating the obvious.

hell who am i kidding, I am only posting coz I aint for a while. Holidays, they come in all varieties, colours, shades and creeds.


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