Thursday, March 13, 2008


To celebrate the anniversary of the birth of Israel, I'm inviting anyone to draw the borders of the country in question.
First to get the answer correct wins a two state solution.

Hint: If you engulf Egypt in the drawing, you are biblically correct, but will not win more than the love of the bush whitehouse and evangelical christians everywhere.


On the back of these shameful scenes

The issue that prompted the huge turnout was a planning application for a new school catering for 1200 students - not just any school, but a school for Muslims. And these residents weren’t having a bar of it.

WOMAN: Sure we are racist if you call it racist not accepting a community that also happens to bear, they’ve got terrorists amongst them, Okay? We can’t say they haven’t, they have. If we let them in here they want to be here because they can go and hide in all their country little farmhouses.

MAN 2: Filthy grubs. Dirty filthy grubs.
MAN 3: No-one wants you here.
MAN 4: F**k off wogs, go back to your own country Mohamed.
MAN 2: We pay our tax mate and we don't want ...

The Australia I thought we left behind, is it just another of Howard's legacies or just something we glossed over for so long.

Comes this:

A FORMER employee at an Alice Springs hostel at the centre of a racism row said staff were told not to accommodate Aborigines. "We were told that we don't let Aboriginal people stay here," said Sarah, 22, who worked at Haven from July until October last year.


1/ Haven Backpackers Hostel, Alice Springs

2/ Adventure Tours Australia

Contact this fuckwit to explain why his ever changing statements are at odds with your own perceptions.

ATA's Greg Zammit issued a statement saying an internal investigation found the group decided to leave of its own accord and was not pressured.

Greg Zammit
Marketing Director
301 Weekday Cross Building
Pilcher Gate, Nottingham NG1 1QF
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 7799 415980
Fax: +44 115 9241389

Like a rottweiler on a newborn, I embrace hypocrisy in all its wonderful myriad forms, to me holding diametrically opposing views, while living and breathing both is the natural state of mankind (women are very different, they believe that there is no such thing as hypocrisy, all that matters is you listen and agree with them on all points, then call you spineless or soulless for doing so).

Hence I can do good works by training Alzheimer's patients to work as tour guides for blind Japanese tourists in my fair city, while at the same time baiting bear traps with cuddly scented wombats and koalas to ensnare those same tourists in my cities quaint alleyways. I see it as a bit of yin and yang, with maybe a natural cultural bias for the yin side of the equation.

Or my stance on the next US election, where I support Hillary (not over Obama, but along side) while at the same time feeling queasier and queasier the longer the campaign goes on, Keith Oberman probably sums up many of my feelings the best (he doesn't completely coz he miss's out on her raging neo-con'ish hawkishness)

But then there's the Republicans who have elevated hypocrisy to a level where it is now obviously imprinted into their limpid sperm and ovum as they call for the resignation of a Democrat Governor of NY for spending vast sums of money on keeping young women clothed and sheltered in a free market way, while refusing to sack several of their own colleagues for doing the exact same thing, after all Larry Craig just sucked dick while sponsoring anti-gay legislation. CNN can even brought on a republican senator who had his own brand of free market love exposed in 1999 (he didn't resign) to call for a good old sacking, and its so natural that no one even bothers to mention the blatant disregard of gooses and ganders being fed the same diet.

Just sometimes those same fools who are given the right to make the wrong choice, the elector's, find it all just a bit too blatant, just find the shit that's being stuffed way down their throats hard to swallow. Like the voters in much respected Dennis Hassert's (i have no respect for the fuck, but that doesn't mean he isn't by some lump of gelatin flavoured DNA glob) who refused by a small margin to elect Hassert's anointed successor, a republican running an anti-immigrant platform, who poured millions into a series of anti-immigrant groups,

while at the same time earning the money he poured into such groups by employing illegal immigrants in his factories at $3.23 an hour.

Or take the ........................I can go on for hours, no really, I sure can...loose brained, uber-bigot, Republican Senator King (the new Santorum, just not quite as smart, maybe not even dan quayle smart) who called into question Obama's patriotism for not wearing an American flag lapel pin, repeatedly and given a shitload of airtime on half a dozen networks, all while not wearing a US flag lapel pin...huh? Holy fuck Blowjobman, lets see you do that to yourself again, yep Im giving up my life of crime....hours....honestly

But what about something like this, a president, a whitehouse stuffed full of highly paid, extremely partisan advisors, a presidency which in the presidents words "will be thanked for all they've done in 150 years times, Lincoln." When absolutely everything they have said or done has been a total and complete clusterfuk, from their half arsed response to 9/11, to their fully arsed Iraq adventure, their stewardship of the US economy (they inherited a budget surplus when they arrived in 2000, they stand to leave a several trillion $ debt when the monkey stops fiddling with its organ and turns its talons on these vultures), the much vaunted US prestige, so beloved of our ex-PM Weasill Extraordinaire, has never been at so low an ebb.

What about this, a classified legal opinion given by one of the Bush whitehouse Christian College trained lawyers

The President, exercising his constitutional authority under article II, can determine whether an action is a lawful exercise of the President's authority under article II.
The president can wipe his arse on the US Constitution because the president determines what he can wipe his own arse on, constitutionally.
The origins of the word hypocrisy come from the Greek which means "play-acting", "acting out", "feigning, dissembling" or "an answer". Surely this then, this bubble the Bushies are living in, this fantastical notion that they will be vindicated by that notoriously unforgiving, constantly re-written re-invented whore, history, is the ultimate in true hypocrisy. And the idea that one flip flopping, religious zealot arse kissing, one time straight talker John McCain will embrace this legacy and is still given a possibility to win, is just laughable beyond words, but then there is the near impossible idea that the battle between Hillary and Obama, may just hand it to him on a very fractured plate.
The again, I can also see the sense in Hillary saying to Obama, well if you think this is bad, you just wait till the Republican slime start to ooze their vapid games on your political arse, then tell me I'm being negative.

“The effects of a free Iraq and a free Afghanistan will reach beyond the borders of those two countries,” Mr. Bush said. “It will show others what’s possible. And we undertake this work because we believe that every human being bears the image of our maker. That’s why we’re doing this. No one is fit to be a master, and no one deserves to be a slave.”
Its truly to stupid to be called stupid, I can only conclude that the bubble he lives in is a nitrogen one and we are all divers just rushing to the surface in the hope of escaping the noxious odour emanating from his presence, only to emerge blind and crippled by its lasting presence.
I am setting up a shop of hate, wont you come peruse a world full of fine wares.


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