democracy: the right to make the wrong choice
if evolution were a fact, how come there are no moths on the moon?
Surely after some 500 million years of trying one or two of them would have made it by now.
the election:
I hadn't planned to write on this space until the election was over, and it ain't over yet, counting still goes on in at least 7 seats, so it ain't over till the fat lady concedes that she is conspicuously outside her ideal weight range. but I am avoiding things
there were two key moments in the election for me
1/ second Tuesday after the election was called, all the news services ran a story about a drunken American woman in some drunken backwater state stumbling blindly amongst some railroad tracks while being waved at by a (possibly) drunken state trooper. She gropes her way in that pissed fashion that we all know, love and imitate with a fair degree of precision, across the rails and finds herself on the right side of the tracks. Meanwhile, a very large train whizzes past, its brakes screeeeeeching. The punchline, the train was 5 hours late and the inebriated woman was inebriated in a disoriented manor.
I know, wow, a train 6,000 miles away, separated by several continents was 5 hours late, puts the puny goings on in Iraq, Palestine and Eltham into sum perspective. This "news" was given a full 90 seconds of air time, the election was allotted 3 1/2 minutes. My first thought was to throw things at my television and scream out the window of my bunker "do you think I am a fucking idiot, at least twenty trains were cancelled in Melbourne in the last three days and not one of them made it onto that whore Disney's right wing noise machine ABC America!" or words to that effect. But then I realised that the tv was mine and destroying it, or even smearing the screen would not benefit anybody, least of all me and my neighbours are very skittish and don't take kindly to my animal howls very early in the morn when the fever grips and the manacles cut into my wrists.
I didn't give up watching all the political news I could find, I just realised that if this was the level of coverage and the content of what the voting public were going to make their choice on, I would opt out of reality and substitute it with something that made a bit more sense.
to the average joe, to the hard pressed working families, to the voting public, you are all fuckwits and I don't care who knows it, you just fucking well are, coz you lie there and take it like the cheep arsed whores that you are. Entertain me, don't inform, I may have to think and my brains will not work so good. U r cunts and u vote, I hate democracy, it is a vile sham.
2/ Communists. Week one, day four, the Libs and Nats were talking about the ever so gentile, barely left wing, hardly radical, middle of the road Labor Party as a front for Communists. Muthafucka!!!! What century are we living in? Did Bob Santamaria rise from his well pissed on grave and channel his loathsome spirit into those low life scum like C Pyne, T Abbot, whoever that toilet brush on wheels who rules over the Nats was and P Costello.
It didn't just sound like a terror campaign torn from the Joe McCarthy handbook from the 50's, it just sounded stunningly ridiculous, like riding through the English glen to warn that the Spanish were approaching these green and pleasant shores to rape our sheep and eat our women, or waving a lantern from a church tower to warn of the English about to do the above. Never had the future looked so much like an ancient long dead past, never had desperation smelt so deranged.
the funniest thing was they sporadically kept it up over the next six long pointless weeks, scaring old ladies and getting the folks at the RSL to regurgitate over their subsidized parmas.
they would have been a thousand times better off playing the terrorism card, equating Rudd or Gillard with Osama, morphing his face into theirs. But they didn't, they went for the scare campaign of yor. Ods bodkins, me thinkfs me sensfe a canoodle in me breechfes, y'all.
and still 39% of people put these utter dimwitted pondscum number 1 on there voting forms, insulting lead, carbon and wood (or ink if ye be of the modern bent) for all eternity. If we have a test for driving, why cant we have a test in civics before we let these peeple exercise their democratic right and not just leave it up to the newly arrived Australian's to do shit like that.
anyway, that's my whinge for the day, voters of Australia, you are on my hate list, take heed and all shall be well. Till then, I bid thee anon, I have seen the future and it is long past.
if anyone has been watching tv on a Sunday afternoon on our 2cents a day ABC, there's a program called "Heaven On Earth" or sum such title, purporting to document the rise and fall of socialism throughout history (1848-now). It is produced by the home of Bushies Neo-cons, the American Enterprise Institute, with such luminaries as Daniel Pipes and Richard Perle as "expert" commentators.
its light on facts
its light on reality
its heavy on the propaganda
the only thing these people are good for is directing traffic in Bagdhad with a target symbol taped to their backs.
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