Thursday, October 11, 2007

fill in your race card before the election

Vote in our poll now or be deported.

So how much race baiting would you like to see from our government?

a. a lot more
b. you can never get enough can you
c. it would be unaustralian not to.

What colour skin and or nationality would you like to see denigrated/ and by how much to change your vote?

a. Asiatic, its been a while since Ive heard anyone say what I'm thinking right now. /a bit.
b. American Indians, they are so overrepresented in the Australian crime statistics, I'm surprised you haven't asked before now. /not at all, I have friends who've seen John Wayne movies
c. cyborg coloured, they will run amok and destroy our future, its in Genesis. /Totally, something must be done
d. pedophile catholic priest coloured or shonky tradesman coloured, they are colours in the new Ikea catalogue. /Im outraged and I voted on A Current Affairs polls.

Or would you rather the Andrews approach and broaden it to "by the continent"?

a/ yes
b/ lets broaden it to hemispheres
c/ Im affeared of aliens, make it universal
d/ we are all bothers and sisters under our skins, lets make it everybody
e/ is it racist to say I hate all non white people, yes, well that's the country I want banned.

Do you agree with Immigration Minister Andrews "Violence is not a part of the peacefulness and the tolerance which has been very much a value of the Australian way of life."

a/ Iraq, white Australia, reconciliation, multiculturalism as a dirty word, "we do not want those type of people in Australia", Haneef.
b/ I didn't join the National Front and One Nation for the networking possibilities.
c/ I don't care who I hit over the head with this bottle, its my right as an authentic Australian.

Should violence be a part of the peacefulness?

a/ yes
b/ no
c/ i didn't read the question.

"I'm recognising the problem. Many people have recognised the problem," Mr Andrews said.

a/ Im a recognised problem.

b/ besides you, name them.

c/ I saw it in a shop window and would have bought it, but they only had it in black.

"I'm not proposing to apologise for saying what people are concerned about" Andrews.

a/ he says what I'm thinking before Ive even thought it
b/ he says what he's thinking even before he's thought about it.
c/ I have a noose and a white hood, wheres my rights. I'm voting Liberal now, as we speak.

Should verifialble "facts" be apart of any statement made by a Goverment Minister?

a/ Whose side are you on muthafucker, its time to chose, I bow down before my jewish overlords, they rule the world.
b/ Ive done perfectly well without these so called "facts" that you speaks off, thank you very much.
c/ facts shmacks, where have facts ever gotten us.
d/ Im a christian, I believe in talking snakes, asses, shrubs and that the world is flat, anything else is a work of communists or the devil or asians looking to swamp us with thier voodoo jive. Oppose me and I shall smite thee.
e/ Is that legal?


Spot the headline from these simple facts

Last night, according to the Victoria Police, in and around Melbourne and its glorious leafy suburbs three attacks occurred on police officers by "gangs of youths".

Two of the "gangs of youths" were white.

One of the "gangs of youths" were of African origin.

now guess which assault made the headlines in today's papers.....

go on its pretty simple:

need a clue...

two of the attacks are not reported at all, anywhere in the mainstream media.,21985,22567071-661,00.html

et al....

of course you don't.

The degree of underlying racism in Australia can now be directly measured through the polls, during the next polling session, lets see if and by how much they move towards those playing the race card. If there is a bump in the Howard direction, of any significance, you know that is the percentage of the population that will vote for the colour of your skin and not for the person. I'm sure awaiting that shame.


Edward de Bono eat your heart out award for the best piece of lateral thinking:

Fox News' The Beltway Boys, co-host and Weekly Standard executive editor Fred Barnes

You know, I've thought for a long time that Obama's not in quite as strong a position on the war in Iraq as he really thinks he is. Remember, when he famously came out against the war, it was back in a time when the entire world believed that Saddam Hussein in Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, that he would probably be willing to use them himself at some time or pass them along to terrorists who would use them. And yet, Barack Obama was against going to the war at that point. I don't think that shows that he is very strong on national security, which he needs to be. But that argument's not going to be used against him in the Democratic primaries. It would, however, by Republicans in a general election.

despite my natural hatred of the welsh, one of them, a police officer (or a whole bunch of police as it is a group report) is making the eminently sensible suggestion on drugs policy.

"We are absolutely delighted at Mr Brunstrom’s paper. The Chief Constable has displayed great leadership and imagination in very publicly calling for a drug policy that replaces the evident failings of prohibition with a legal system of regulation and control for potentially dangerous drugs”.


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