Friday, October 05, 2007

sounds of the barrel's bottom being scrapped

Photo taken from a gay website, Bucks knew no boundaries and was loved by all, regardless of age, sexual orientation or creed. He just was love, writ in manly flesh.

Nathan Buckley, Mighty Buckulees to those who pray at the altar of Collingwood, the one true god (may it be praised) has retired. The king is dead, long, my mistake, he is just over there. As the joint honor winner of most loved footballer and the most hated player in the league for most of his career, he has done it all with the saddest exception, playing in next years collingwood premiership.

Tears will flow and beer will ease the flood. If ever a man deserved to have a whole nation get down on its knees and kiss his muscular arse in supplication and awe, it is Nathan Buckley the man who set a standard of excellence so high, most could just reach it by poking it with a stick from the top of a rickety ladder.

One day when he is given the role of UN secretary general, peace, skill and hardness will rule the earth, but knowing just how humble the greatest individual on earth is, he will undoubtedly say "I would give it all back for that one thing I lack, a collingwood premiership"

Truer words have never been spoken, and I mean that.

279 outstanding games (plus 1 slightly less outstanding one that nobody can remember when he mistakenly played for Brisbane)
norm smith medalist
600 copeland medals
the brownlow (forever known colloquially as "The Bucks" since that night)
collingwood team of the century
captain of the greatest football club in the known and unknown universe
loved by all (if indeed hate is the reverse side of loves coin)
first ever rising star winner, thus cementing the award in history
only man in AFL history suspended for improving the looks of the ugliest man in football (Ling 2002, 1 week)
Noble Prize (world peace and tight shorts division)


reasons to disbelieve the drug war lies:

sage advice from your climate clever government:


"We don't want people like this in Australia" John Howard

"we will decide who comes here" above

After a very pleasant leafy green holiday, I return to the ever so familiar strains of a government doing all it can to throw the race card into the long overdue election. Once more the minister for the selective release of unsubstantiated reports, Kevin Andrews, released a bevvy of selective words and unsubstantiated "innuendo's" masquerading as facts to back up his claim that black Africans were to blame for his release of the above. It should of course be pointed out that the operative word here is "black", as the same government encouraged and welcomed with open arms white farmers from Zimbabwe, and would do the same again tomorrow if the polls showed it may be able to win just one more marginal seat.
In a manner befitting the Honorable Minister, Mr Andrews, despite having an opinion that was fact free and based solely on his own departments thinly sourced prejudices given to them by the Minister, Andrews refused to release the basis for having the above, becoz:
a/ it was written in newly developed "invisible ink" and releasing it would compromise national security
b/ he was waiting to see how it all played out in the polls
c/ he is embarrassed to admit that he is dyslexic
d/ "Australia has the right to ensure those who come here are integrating into a socially cohesive community" even if it means falsifying reports, overstating half truths and just making shit up to please those who find it "difficult" seeing dark skinned people on their planet.
e/ the facts to support the Ministers stance are completely absent from any document that the Minister has seen, therefor vindicating the Minister by reverse osmosis.
While refusing to release the full advice or provide any statistics, Mr Andrews said a summary of the material included:
■Concerns about race-based gangs.
■Reports of altercations between Africans at nightclubs.
■Conflict and assaults between some African families.
■Reports of a developing trend of young African males drinking alcohol in parks at night.
■African community organisations arguing about who received favoured treatment.
Prime Minister John Howard yesterday said it was "contemptible" to suggest the Government was playing the race card, he did of course mean that the "race card" had in fact been played.
Of course our Police Chief had to weigh in on the rumble, adding what appeared to be verifiable "facts" to the argument
Ms Nixon said Sudanese people did not have higher crime rates than the general population.
"When we look at the data, what we're actually seeing is that they're not, in a sense, represented more than the proportion of them in the population," Ms Nixon said on Wednesday.
Andrews swiftly and irrefutably rebutted these outlandish pieces of political chicanery:
"When you look at the data that I've looked at, it does seem to me that there is a higher proportion," he told Southern Cross Broadcasting.

But he was unable to release any figures showing higher rates of crime among Sudanese people.
Mr Andrews also offered no data to back his claim yesterday that African refugees were forming gangs, fighting each other in nightclubs, attacking other families and congregating in parks to drink alcohol.

"Well, those figures are figures which are produced by the police," he said.
These "police" are obviously the same secret police who cannot be named for security reasons as Police data showed Sudanese people were under-represented in crime statistics, the other clear fact is that these "police" were the same ones who had us all in stitches with their very funny pantomime review "The Mysterious Haneef Case" which the good minister praised when attending the opening nites drinkathon.
Prehaps the best lines came from the newly positioned Qld Premier, Anna Bligh:
"It has been a long time since I have heard such a pure form of racism out of the mouth of any Australian politician," Ms Bligh told reporters. "When it comes from the immigration minister it is particularly disturbing. To hear this sort of attack on these people is, frankly, something that belongs to the deep south of America in the 1950's"
Reverend David Pargeter, from the Uniting Church's Synod of Victoria and Tasmania, said: "When a Government minister, on the eve of an election, connects violent action with one particular cultural group, we know we have reached deeply into the darkness of racial politics."
The big question is, if this one doesn't bite in the polls, what will the next target be in "race card" stakes, my educated guessing facilities and liberal party insiders tell me, one legged Latvians with boils, and not a moment too soon.
Ms Pauline Hanson on One Legged Latvians with Boils:
Speaking at a Gold Coast Media Club function today, Ms Hanson said she welcomed the move. "It's been recorded in Victoria that there is a 25 per cent increase in HIV. There is TB, and a case of leprosy which has been recorded in South Australia."

Ms Hanson said the Federal Government had a responsibility to ensure the safety of Australians.
"You can't bring people into the country who are incompatible with our way of life and dual legged culture," she said, "what would happen if one of them hopped on your child?"
"They get around in gangs hopping and there is escalating crime that is happening."
No matter what anyone says, Ms Hanson has a Ph.d in facts, which is a pity as she sullys the reputation of all mail order doctorates from bizarre unaccredited US christian universities every time she opens her mouth.
Liberal Race card De jour:
1776-1945: jews, black fellas, asians, Irish, Scotts, Latvians, in fact anyone who didnt come from England.
1824-the death of harold holt: asians
pre-1983: Vietnamese (but only after we had welcomed them during the fraser years)
1980's to early 1990's : Asians
1996 to sept 11/2001: aboriginals and anorexic communist lesbians
sept 2001 - 2007: muslims, afghanis, iraqis, boats
2007- :black africans
to join the game of playing the race card, just pluck out one of Kevin Andrews statements and insert any of the above, down a shot, paste in one of above and down a shot. Works along similar lines to the game of Hitler De Jour.

09:00 – Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade SITREP 59 forwarded to Howard, Reith, Ruddock and “secret list” of Anderson, Costello, Williams and Downer. “There is no reference to children thrown overboard in the reports”. (DFAT spokesman Geoff Raby, Senate Estimates 21/2/02)
Howard says: “I express my anger at the behaviour of those people and I repeat it. I can’t comprehend how genuine refugees would throw their children overboard.”
The boat SIEV 4 sinks.

of course there are other opinions of our governments love of the race card, while they are not flattering towards Howard, they are, of course, welcome contributors to the debate:

if you cant be with the one you love, love the white within.

you know Bush's army is on the slide, welcome to the return of Fragging:

“(The military) is definitely holding back,” said Canavan. “As to why we can only speculate.”
She said it could take anywhere from three weeks to three months for her sister’s autopsy report to be released.
Officials initially told the family Durkin was “killed in action” but changed their story over the weekend, saying she perished from “non-combat related” injuries.

the joke that is the war on terror:
But in their opening statements, the defense attorneys said that their clients had only feigned interest in terrorism to win the $50,000 that the FBI informants, posing as al-Qaeda representatives, were dangling before them.
Despite a wealth of wiretaps and videotapes made of the defendants, the defense noted, there is scant evidence that the men expressed any interest in al-Qaeda when they were not in the presence of the informants -- indicating that it was only an act tailored to that audience.


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