Monday, July 30, 2007

The idea that all progress is forward is utterly dispelled by this remarkable artifact, knowledge can just as easily be lost as well as well as built upon. I spent a part of my childhood devouring Erik Von Danikens explanations of this device, he call it an ancient "computer" brought to us from the furthest reaches of the stars by celestial visitors, I prefer the real version of what it is, so much more romantic than the idea that it may have been ET's bowel movement conversion kit.

A very simple plea, Kevin Andrews QUIT, right here, right now, right this very minute, do not pass go, do not try to collect an overseas diplomatic posting, just get the fuck outa a place you are clearly not fit to be in, a position of responsibility. But then the reality hits, its the Howard Government, no matter how incompetent, the minister stays, according to Howard there's only one judgement that counts, the voters, so let them decide Mr Pm.
When the Howard government gets thrown out on its well padded, pork barrelled arse, how many of these will we see revealed.
Bush Aide Blocked Report
Global Health Draft In 2006
Rejected for Not Being Political
A surgeon general's report in 2006 that called on Americans to help tackle global health problems has been kept from the public by a Bush political appointee without any background or expertise in medicine or public health, chiefly because the report did not promote the administration's policy accomplishments, according to current and former public health officials.
Now we have a $100 million campaign for Workchoices being endless repeated across our tv screens, with politicised public servants spruiking for their jobs, how many reports will we see revealed once checks and balances are restored in the senate. For example the building watchdog commissioned report, commissioned by the building watchdog and whose conclusion can be summed up in a few very short words "building commission good, unions bad", what a fucking surprise there. A report commissioned by the watchdog telling the watchdog what a wonderful job its doing, based upon the data supplied entirely by the watchdog itself, then leaked in a wonderfully strategic fashion, where none of the data given can be evaluated, just the conclusion the watchdog gives to itself. And, heaven forbid, the "independent" group conducting the report are closely tied to the Liberal party, now that's what I like to see, the governments own agencies, free, fair and balanced, contorted into strange shapes to blow smoke up their own arse's. So how much did I pay for that one?
And speaking of workchoices, how much are we paying to have our pay and conditions stripped away:
$56 million to promote the original work choices
$300 million to "regulate" the original workchoices
the add $100 million (or there abouts, we wont know till senate estimates can pull a figure from Joe Hockeys arse in a protracted and painful process) for the current update on workchoices ads.
add $476 million plus to the original 300 for administering the "simpler", "fairer" adjunct to the the simple and fair workchoices legislation.
What an outrageously expensive joke this government has become, can we afford to laugh at the punchline, ourselves.


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