Friday, July 20, 2007

just make it up as you go along

Core and non core as hardcore bullshit flows from the silent one

"You talk about a whole lot of things when you're trying to convince people to do things," Mrs Howard says in the book. "But you don't go back and honour every single one of those unless you have made a firm commitment about it, and John wasn't into making firm commitments."

Even Janette knows what a lying peice of crap our PM is.

The signal for the death of the US economy? Or just another way stop on the long slow decline...

"The credit losses associated with subprime have come to light and they are fairly significant," Bernanke told the Senate Banking Committee in a second day of testimony on the Fed's twice-yearly economic report. "Some estimates are in the order of between $US50 billion and $US100 billion of losses associated with subprime credit problems," he said, referring to a segment of the mortgage market that caters to borrowers with shaky credit.

In Iraq, Specialist Middleton said, "a lot of guys really supported that whole concept that, you know, if they don't speak English and they have darker skin, they're not as human as us, so we can do what we want."

What are we told about the withdrawl of troops from Iraq:

it will be a victory for the terrorists

it will be a victory for Al Queda

it will be a bloodbath, a massacre.

the government would collapse

there will be chaos.

so whats the difference?

does anyone believe the people who fucked up everything so badly in the first place, the people who did not get one single fact right. Follow the next two links to see the two sides of the same coin. Watch em and weep.

Ahh the NSW liberal right, always fun, always corrupt, always stranger than the fiction they push as truth. Will we get to see any links to secretive christian cults the NSW right just loves to coddle up to....


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