Thursday, June 07, 2007


How much do I loath that twittering, blob of noxious gas, the right honorable, Christopher Pyne, grand mufti of poonce? So much that i refuse to answer on the grounds that I may be charged with a voilation of the english language.
All that may be beside the point, if the opinion polls are worth more than the papers they are published in ($1.70 for the age I think), but that doesn't mean my hatred is any less, the election is still months away and the brazzen little asswipe is being paid by me (and you) to roam the country, hiking up his trews to shoulder length and pontificate before any camera within reach on any and all subjects that PM Howard half way believes to be a vote winner.
But I am curious about a few things, not many, just a few. How do the governments sums add up, in an effort to chase Rudd down the rabbit hole of popularity, treasurer costello, the limp biscuit of primeministerial challenges, declares that not one cent of public money will be spent on his and helen coonans backflip to telstra to roll out broadband. While at the same time handing over $600 million of the publics money, then maybe upping it to $900 million, on the back of the $4.1 billion it is already dolling out to the telco's to do the things the government are saying the telco's and the "market" are doing for free. Meanwhile they criticise Rudd for even mentioning public money? Will the electorate be fooled again with the trust me tag, in the face of such blatant bullshit?
And then there's the utter, meaningless drivel on global warming that Howard et al. are trying to spook the people with. They are committed to targets, but wont set targets, and then attack anyone who does, except their own little nuclear whore ziggy S., who contradicted everything howard said and gave a tick tot he Labor party. They are committed to emmissions trading, but refuse to mention any how where's or why's other than to launch into another report to compliment the report launched last week, which Howard promised would be the only report this country would ever need to read again, the most comprehensive and diffinitive, ever published on global warming and climate change. With the notable exception that it answered no questions beside posing the eternal one, do we need another report on this thing? Short answer, we gots to, coz we didn't even bother to try in the last one. There is and has been nothing honest in the coalitions ideas on global warming, it smacks of one ugly Texan's (GW, if you must know), late model conversion to something like accepting science as being scientific. The bottom line on global warming is this from the PM and GW, we will set up the frame work for something, or options therin, let the market decide wether it wants to do something, then something or someone else, can worry about it after the next election. Frame works already in place are driven under a pile of ideological drivel, with the whispered promise of Kyoto Mrk 2 while bagging the Kyoto Mrk 1, as French inspired, one world hate mongering. The less said about GW and Howards alternatives the better, mainly because its hard to work out what it is they are saying, other than, I want to be seen to be doing, I just dont want to do.
The there's the several hundred million they are about to spend in addition to the billion odd they've already spent on IR laws, and the flips and flops and general chaos of that complete muddle. Luckily Joe Hockey is utterly without shame, he can sell his grandmothers virginity one minute and the next flogg her off as the greatest lay mankind has seen, the next without blinking, blushing or showing any emotion beside glorious optimism in the next great stalinist five year plan. Or whatever Howard puts in front of him at that second, he truly is the Pangloss of the coalition.
Howard believes that he is slowly ticking off the boxes of items that he needs to get himself re-elected, no blubbering tears for him late into election night, he wants the people to believe that his thoughts and ideas of a mere few months ago were non core. His hubris and eel flavoured slimeyness has grown beyond what even I, with my florid imagination and stacks of german pornography, thought he could reach. Will he succeed in convincing the people yet again to trust him. Sweet jesus, I hope not, and if he does, well, then you, and yes, I am looking at you, deserve every bit of what you will get, and thats going to be a roll back of everything he has whispered in your ear for the last six months.
Core and non-core promises be buggered, he will go you hardcore with the bullshit till election day.
As for C.Pyne, he is just the symbol of all that is wrong, a reeking gas wafting over our lives. I hate the muthafucker.


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