Friday, June 01, 2007

nothing but spin, but a whole world of spin equals action (somehow)

First questions first before my tiny brain goes into outrage overload and I forget just what the hell irked me just a few seconds ago. Who leaked the tape of Electrical Trades Union leader Dean Mighell to the press? We know it was made by

who then onsold it to the government body the Australian Building and Construction Commission. MM denies that it leaked it to anyone, that leaves the ABCC. So the government body set up after another of Howards Little Bitch's (terrence cole) predetermined royal commissions (like the AWB royal stunt, no charges, not one sigle prosecution, just a lot of mud and rumours spun about), is leaking politically biased information on behalf of the Liberals. Hmmmmm....
Lets see, the Howard government does a complete backflip months from an election and commisions a report on the need for action on climate change. Well I dont want to pre-judge whats in the report (part of my weekend reading), but according to anyone who has a copy, it is a next to useless waste of taxpayer dollars and a truly shameful waste of very expensive printers ink.

>it sets no targets
>it sets no goals other then the obvious "we need to do something"
>it sets no price on carbon
>it doesnt examine the costs, other than to say there are costs
>it doesnt make for good toilet paper, but it I bet its the most expensive toilet paper since the AWB cole commision report.
>suprise, suprise, it looks a lot like a memo people put on the fridge telling them to do something they know they really dont want to do, but know that they have to at the very least look as though they are doing something (i gots lots of those, all involving housework and three unfinished novels, one sez something about removing the dead cat from my sink)

This is the document Howard yesterday said will be the only document you will ever need to read on climate change and would make his detractors (60+% of the population) eat his barren, ideologically driven loincloth. Methinks the man has swallowed a few too many of Tony Abbotts groveling platitudes, maybe he should consult someone outside his sphere of influence and get the Grand Mufti of Poonce, C. Pyne to tell him he really is the greatest PM since Menzies or Alexander the not as Great as John.

Maybe just one person with some expertise in C02 emmsions or climate science on the "expert" panel may have helped shape a document that wasn't simply a sop to the big polluters and those who wish to be seen to do something as opposed to really doing something. But then the report does state that we dont need to even think about the problem till 2012, so I am off to go burn a few more tyres in the back yard in honor of the reports findings, or lack therof. What a fucking embarressing joke this "government" is becoming the closer we get to the election.

Margret Jackson, how the hell did this person get to be on the panel? Oh thats right, the finding says that airlines should be left out of emmisions targets, my mistake, I should have reached the conclusion well before I came up with the connection.

On the day that GW has announced that he believes that global warming just might be a problem, what do we find his appointed hacks in the depths of the administration saying in the face of their own departments findings.

That global warming/climate change is a bonus that mankind should be eternally grateful for.

This morning on NPR, NASA administrator Michael Griffin was asked, “Are you concerned about global warming?”

His answer: “I’m aware that global warming exists” but “[w]hether that is a longterm concern or not, I can’t say.” Griffin said he is “not sure that it is fair to say that it is a problem we must wrestle with.”

So we left with GW spin as something approaching policy, it's as if simply putting out a press release acknowledging climate change will result in a decrease of CO2 emmsions. Meanwhile in the back room, the same folks who put together GW's energy policy, the fossil fuel industry, continue to fund climate skeptics and pump millions into corrupt sleaze bags like US senator tedstevens to thump the tables of power into doing absolutely nothing.

But then thats not the only problem, here is one of the front runners for the Republicans on evolution.

Many questions raised by evolutionary theory — like whether man has a unique place in the world or is merely the chance product of random mutations — go beyond empirical science and are better addressed in the realm of philosophy or theology.

I do believe that we have Lamarkian Principles, alla 1790, being espoussed by a man who wants to run the free world. How do you get mankind outside of science's realm, surely he/we dont fit, we are placed here, beyond a shadow of a doubt, by gods hand, nothing to do with evolution. Tough luck australopithicus, your just one of gods little jokes. Like Republicans and gravity.


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