Wednesday, April 04, 2007

take this rate rise..and reserve it

Of course the big news of the day is Keith Richards snorting his fathers ashes chopped inwith coke, way to go keith senior....

Ok so I am big enough to admit that the Reserve Bank got it wrong this morning, with consumer spending increasing at twice the anticpated rate and unoffical inflation running at a predicted 3.5%, well above the target range and from every quarter pressure has built, not slowed as predicted. Now the Reserve are simply sitting by playing a waiting game for the "Offical" quarterly results, I call them out on this, they are big fat prolongated fules. When a big black dog bites you on the arse, you dont wait a month to get postal confirmation of the dogs breed and then tell it to shoo, you hit the muthafuka on the head with the only weapon you have at hand and in this case, its the reserves only weapon, an interest rate hike. Will it mean that next month when the worst is confirmed we will need to wack that foaming dog with a double stick, a 0.5% hike. Could be, if the reserve is honest, not just playing political games in an election year.

Come death, come
In the age of strawmen, where Malcolm Turnbull rages on
malcolm "clearfell" T: Now, you will find economic rationalists who say you should not put any money into irrigation and that you should let irrigation die. There are people who say that, I promise you, and there are people on the left in the Labor Party that don't want to invest in irrigation, they'd just rather buy water back for the environment and, again, let irrigation die.
as though there were a hoard of ALP economists braying for the destruction of all the earths water supply, well let me introduce a random strawman to answer the question, why the darkness beneath Bluhamsters title (eg come death, come). It has been asked of me, I just cant remeber who asked. But anyway, that little phrase has been with me since childhood when I started reading the books of Sven Hassel, a danish author who wrote of his time in a penal regiment of the waffen ss. A few weeks back I went for a search through the trash heap that is my abode to see if I still had any of his novels resting in any of the multitude of book piles, no biggee, just a sunday afternoon diluted by rain and in need of a book and a desire to see wether the writing stood the test of time, I rembered being enthralled by the brutality of the ideas and the manner in which he portrayed war, a unique writer from my perspective who opened up a world of alternate history that still captures my interest to this day.
One of the main characters, the Legionaire, a french algerian muslim, in the moments before battle would place his prayer beads in between his teeth and mutter beneath his breath, "Come death, come." A fatalistic prayer along the lines of allah inshallala, knowing that in the heat of war, death rides along side and is the only constant. This being an election year, this being a year when war is with us each second (though fought on other shores, as is so typically, wonderfully, australian), and my state of being so, well, fragile in many respects, I have assumed the words as my mantra. Better than my usual, "kill me jesus, u muthafucker", and in a world indecently anxious to pour money, time and efort into killing in ours or gods or dick cheneys name, a fitting one for the times. As "some people" say, its now a hell of a lot easier to kill a million folks, than it is to save them.

and so I return to the season of strawmen, where any and all government ministers throw out utter shit, like malcolm and his phantom army of rational econmists who run the ALP, his phantom army of unionists and extreme greenies who work behind the scenes to formulate ALP policy, to Malcolms phantom world where no one has ever heard of climate change and so condemn the ALP to destroying the economy, unilaterally. To these phantom phrases and ideas which are rarely challenged in the media, I say, if you vote liberal at the next election based upon any of these ghosts, come death, come.

Behind the scenes in Iran.
Few people understand the reasons behind the soviet invasion of Afghanistan in the late 1970's, history has been overshadowed by the victors re-writing and the events of september 11, yet a replay is underway as we speak. In 1978-9, the Carter Administration began supplying the ragtag opposition in Afghanistan with arms and training a full six months before the soviet invasion, in the desire to see and force the soviets into an act, National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski, described it as seeking to give the soviets a black eye for the american defeat in Vietnam by embroiling them in a similar quagmire, which they duly fulfilled. In one interview he describes his delight in seeing his work pay off at the announcement of the soviet troops rolling across the border at christmas 1979. Now we are seeing something similar happening in Iran, although as the article points out the similarities are closer to Nicuragua durring the Regan years, I cant help but think with the Whitehouse straining at the bit for a reason to "intervene" in Iran, the afghan comparison is closer, and the disaster awaiting, nearer then we think.

Some former CIA officers say the arrangement is reminiscent of how the U.S. government used proxy armies, funded by other countries including Saudi Arabia, to destabilize the government of Nicaragua in the 1980s.

Car company questions?

So why are our car companies not even bothering with proven technology to create cars that people want by the bucketload? Why, if sales of GM and Ford are either stagnant or plummeting (especially in the US where both those companies have hit rock bottom in market share), and they have both had the exact same amount of time as the Japanese (1994 start date) to produce a hybrid/alternate fuel vehicle, do both companies insist that they know what there customers want and they are not for the turning (sorry maggie)? Could it be a bush related ideological seizure that will send these two grand old companies to there doom, not that they could be accused of the veering left at any point in the recent past.

Disprove this, muthafucka


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