Thursday, March 22, 2007

santo watch

For a man who finds nothing unusual or wrong in lying to the public (especially on the ABC) nor attacking 11 year olds, there is something truly spine tinglingly creepy about Tony Abbots latest velvet glove approach to increasingly disgraced Senator Santo "rouge trader" Santoro.

Mr Abbott made the comments after addressing a conference on suicide prevention.
He says when politicians fall, they fall hard and Senator Santoro deserves sympathy.
"This is a spectacular fall from grace," he said.
"He hasn't committed any crime, his only offence was to fail to comply with the ministerial disclosure guidelines.
"Santo should now be left alone to get on with his life and his friends should continue to extend the hand of friendship to him and his political enemies should lay off."

His freinds in the Liberal Party call him a dope, a disgrace, incompetent and a grade A fool, so who is Tony asking to lay off. Surely its not Rudds Labor, they have centred their attacks on what the PM knows, so he can only be refering to his own side?
Yesterday, amid jockeying within the Queensland Liberal Party over who would replace him, a senior federal political figure said Senator Santoro was "called in" at 7pm on Tuesday and told he had to go. "There is a whole new pile of share tradings under Mrs Santoro's name that have not been declared and he had to go," the source said. "Until then, Santo was going to fight on."
So now Tony is on suicide watch in case his own side drive the hapless, factional slime to an early grave, so will he be having a word in his protegee's ear, C. Pyne, the man who cheerfully climbed across Santo's bleeding corpse to get his smiling pooncy face on the minisiterial list after 14 years of lobbying, to go easy on the "Jackpot Beds For Mates" deal that he is meant to be investigating. And will the Grand Mufti of Poonce, C Pyne, make his deliberations public. Apparently not if Santo's feelings will be hurt, or he has to answer for any deals he did in his wifes name or he has to add to the multitude of shady deals.
But then Tony seems to be asserting that Santo did nothing wrong, so why did he not only quit his Ministry, but also the entire game, rather than face a few questions on his ever so transparent dealings. Why? Perhaps we shall hear the reason why delivered as a eulogy by Tony himself or one of those in the Queensland Libs who are dripfeeding the world just how filthy Santo's laundry really is. He just need to be honest from day one and in the elastic world of Howards Ministerial Code of Conduct, he most likely would have gotten away with it, instead, each and every day has just brought a new set of lies and justifications that turn out to be as slippery as the facts given the day before. Santo does not deserve the benefit of any doubt in regards to just how self serving his concoction of lies has been, and its his Liberal colleagues who are the ones doing the muck raking through the sunshine states mire of factional sleaze.
But then as our ever consistent, very elderly statesman, Mr Experience, PM Puffy Nipples so succinctly puts it he, felt sorry Senator Santoro but was totally unsympathetic. Nice one Puffy, strap on the strap on and get back to work of not hearing what the opinion polls are telling you. Meanwhile I shall watch with revulsion as tony abbot buttons up that sleeve length velvet glove and waves it about menacingly in C. Pynes direction.
"you'll take it and you'll feel it all the way"


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