Wednesday, March 07, 2007


The coalition of the willing is slowly being whittled down, not by the terrorists who threaten the very fabric of our society, making it unsafe to walk to the local shops (c pyne), but by their suicidal leap into the chasm of personal corruption and malfeasance.

Excluding Iraq, Blair is drowning in a cash for peerages scandal and has squandered a seemingly unassaible majority to a conservative party that has adopted the classical low profile strategy, letting its labor opponents bleed to death beneath the wieght of its own self inflicted wounds.

Howards stuttering brian burke brian burke while three of his own MP's are raided by the federal police over sleazing their printing allowances and he smears the minister who takes over the portfolio of the man who resigns for having less contact with BB than the man he replaced, who "did nothing wrong" in the first place..meanwhile back at the polls, panic sets in and accountability reigns. So tell me PM, if you knew of the raids on thursday, why did you spend all day friday trying to smear Kevin Rudd rather than looking into Printgate. Diversions, diversions...

Spains PM has long been booted from high office for lying to the public over the madrid bombings...

Bush, well, under which slimy rock would you start to look?

Lets start with Scooter, The Decider proclaimed boldly when Valerie Plames covert status was leaked to that "douchebag of freedom" Robert Novak, that anyone who leaked that name would be fired. Ok, he lied, coz Dik Cheney, Karl Rove et al are still with us and Richard Armitage left of his own accord to spriuk for the whitehouse's record and enjoy his own status as the rat who didnt go down with the ship.

The level of mendacity apparent in Cheneys self serving "unclassifying" of a covert CIA operatives status is bordering on treason and to do it for purely political gain is beyond the pale must surely be ranked up thier with any crime commited by Nixon, including the covert slaughter of neutral Cambodians durring the Vietnam war. In a time of war, a war upon which they say the future of all western democracy is at stake, can a greater crime be commited by one who holds such high office? But of course all we get is one fall guy guilty of lying to save the skins of his superiors, the al capone defence, he is not a bootlegging mass murderer, just a tax cheat.
And why no other charges for those who put Libby up to it? Thats what the jury themselves are asking. Well, he is guilty of "obstructing" the very investigation that would have revealed the truth, so is it suprising that they only reached into one portion of the highest office of the whitehouse when the whitehouse itself is convicted by default of standing in the way of the investigation.

The scars of the rush into a war of choice are deep and still, even after all these years, no less murky, tainting all of the coalition partners with a circular tortured logic that defined the Plamegate affair. Bush and Howard pinned the Nigerian inteligence on Blair who in turn blamed Bush who in turn pointed to the UK, and so it goes round, Howard blames Bush and Blair for the inteligence failure as he was relying on thier inteligence. yet none have ever backed away from the justification for war, just weaselled around the fingers pointed directly at them and shifted the rationale with each falling lie.

Despite what you may hear from the uber conservative american right, Scooter Libby is a patriot in the same way that Tokyo Rose was a great patriot, and she was pardoned by President Ford, so look forward to the next chapter after sentencing.
how quickly the lies begin:


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