Monday, March 05, 2007

smell the finger of desperate election smears

Who could not love politics in the run up to an election, a minister gets sacked for "doing nothing wrong", the news is filled for days with the PM's dubious assertions and braying of his tired attack dogs. Sense in an election year, be damned, bring on the tops and let them spin.

FORMER MINISTER IAN CAMPBELL : I have just in the last hour tendered my resignation to the Prime Minister. The reason for that is that I want to ensure that the Government is re-elected.

No politics here people, just look away

Former Labor prime minister Paul Keating has also bought into the debate with his customary panache:

"Have a look at all the bag men in Liberal Party for God's sake," he said. "I mean if you applied a sanitary test to those guys, I mean no minister would do any business in this country."

Treasurer Peter Costello as "all tip and no iceberg"

Hurdling corpses...with attack dogs

TONY ABBOTT (Monday in parliment): The only socialist thing about him was his haircut, Mr Speaker. His depression era haircut. Whether it's Dr Death or Pol Pot, don't trust him with the health system.

How kindly of our catholic (this means nominally christian) health minister, a man who thinks lying to the ABC is perfectly justified, who finds lying and distorting about the drugs administered under his portfolio, absolutley fine, a man whose own campaign director, Ian MacDonald, "was jailed for a $7 million embezzlement" and who "visited him in the Kirkconnel jail." Forgiveness is divine to a christian Mr Abbot.

FRAN KELLY: Minister, 40 to 50 companies seek Brian Burke's services including Geoff Prosser, a Liberal MP, seeks Brian Burke's service. Many of these people are your supporters. Are they morally compromised from this contact?

FRAN KELLY: Is everyone in contact with him morally compromised?

TONY ABBOTT: Well, I think that certainly they have questions to answer because of the modus operandi that this gentleman has consistently been using.

From the Australian: Mr Burke's corporate clients have included Macquarie Bank and Fortescue Metals whose chief executive, Andrew Forrest, is a close friend of Mr Howard and who attended the 2005 dinner with Mr Rudd that has embroiled the Opposition Leader in the biggest furore of his leadership.

So will Mr Howard now cut off all contact with anyone who has ever dealt with Mr Burke, as his Minister has suggested would be right and proper? No of course not, as the PM said they are not seeking election to higher office, just a slice of the public purse and Mr howards ear in thier "questionable" dealings.

I am loving the fact that this stoush is more likely to ensare the PM more than it will Rudd, just by virtue of the ludicris, blanket claims that stink of that very special desperation that surrounds drowning politicians. The PM's scattergun approach to this minor political hiccup will bite his everwidening arse the next time he is photographed meeting with a prominent business head who has met with Mr Burke. After all his own governments ministers have all declared them tainted. This could bring the Liberals governing to a dead stop.

Will Mr Howard call upon Andrew Forrest his close freind to answer and back up those wild accusations he is now thowing about like pink confetti at a gay wedding, the man was at the dinner and presumably will be able to give a full and frank disclosure of all his dealings with Burke and of the dinner he and Rudd attended. What are freinds for, just ask our next high commissioner to London or the US, Ian Campbell.

Meanwhile the goverment in that shining beacon of democracy, Iraq is just about to fall over:

while ex-cia stooge Allawi, a man who admitted to planting car bombs in Bagdhad prior to the US invasion, quietly gathers his forces for another shot at that poisoned chalic, PM.
Return of slavery in the "compassionate" US of A under GW.

As migrant laborers flee Colorado because of tough new immigration restrictions, worried farmers are looking to prisoners to fill their places in the fields.

For anyone suffering from the governments (lack of) information about Iraq, heres a neat little primer


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