Monday, February 19, 2007

Christopher Pyne is a total fuckcake with excrement icing.

think you know the facts, your world is about to be shattered....
be amazed, be very amazed. the truth is
The Earth is not rotating...nor is it going around the sun!
Speaking of nonsense
Headlines on the age/sun websites
Dope no longer cool.
Pot no longer hot.
3/4 of adults surveyed think the above.
(only 1/3 of "young adults" think that)
the problem lies with what they really think.
Nearly half believed cannabis can cause schizophrenia, depression and anxiety disorder to a moderate or large degree.
A big fat unsupported lie, no study has ever found that, not even the one that is most quoted and used by conservatives to support their "war on drugs"
(lots more links to "that" study and its utter distortions, ifn u want em)
About 40 per cent think cannabis is always addictive, and one in five said it is always a gateway to harder drugs. And 68 per cent thought cannabis use could lead to other crimes.
Three big, complete lies and fabrications.
So we find that what the survey reflects are that those being surveyed dont have a clue besides what they read in bullshit headlines.
the herald sun:
The report's only bad news, said Mr Dillon, was that many beliefs people had about cannabis - like the fact it leads to harder drug use - were actually incorrect
the headline we didnt see was this one:
Dope may protect from lung cancer
the link is on a previous post, so check it out my little rastifarians.
The Howard Government said the data vindicated its tough stance on marijuana use. Parliamentary secretary for health Christopher Pyne said it showed young people were starting to recognise that cannabis and mental health were linked.
So we know that a complete load of right old, scientifically baseless, utter shit is being used to justify government policy. Christopher Pyne is my enemy de jour, a snide, fundementalist conservative, who always reminds me of a fervent Stalinist of the 1930's whose opinions are naught more than regurgitations of classical lines of tripe in order to justify misery being heaped upon others. Oh and win the votes of the clearly misinformed, shitscared elderly.
I have dementia, and i vote liberal.
I also think its saturday and Nixon is president of australia
Christopher Pyne is a total fuckcake with excrement icing.
thats the headline I want to see.


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