Tuesday, February 13, 2007

the stench and darwin day

Happy 200th Birthday Mr Darwin


How to spot a secretive christian fundementalist part one.
look to the right of any Liberal MP, they are ones handing out literature on Bob Brown being a gay wife beater who burns flags (while beating his wife or significant other).


Speaking of Darwin, we had an anti darwinian on lateline last night.

Brendan Nelson (as he was then, minister of education)
RE: Inteligent Design:

BN:Do I think that parents in schools should have the opportunity, if they wish to, for students also to be exposed to this and to be taught about it? Yes, I think that's fine.


Apart from looking a lot like a mechanical repetition machine, Brendan Nelson, Defence Minister and great believer in Inteligent Design (what was the AMA thinking when they let this loon into the bag), pours shit on top of more shit and calls it a sweet scented mound of victory. Tony Jones brought up some uncomfortable facts on Lateline:

TONY JONES: Well, as I understand it, the Obama plan is actually based on the phased withdrawal idea that was actually put forward by the Iraq Study Group, which, of course, was led by the former Republican Secretary of State, James A. Baker. His interests and those of terrorists aren't coincident, are they?

TONY JONES: I understand what you're saying, but the point is when the Iraq Study Group's plan for withdrawing half the American combat troops in Iraq came out no one described it in this government, as far as I know, as a victory for al Qaeda.

TONY JONES: All right, you have made that point. Let's go to the Iraq Study Group report. When it was released late last year, Alexander Downer described it as a good piece of work, a useful contribution that "draws all the right conclusions about the ultimate objectives".

Pointless giving B Nelsons robotic defense of the PM's call for the proscribing of the Democratic Party in the US as a terrorist organisation, suffice to say it revolved around a simple chant. Now repeat after me to reach nirvana and have your vote always counted as Liberal

Al Queda, Al Queda
failure in Iraq
is a disaster for america
disaster for the "thinking world"
Al queda Alqueda.

Repeat until you have cast your vote.

The one moment that Brendan did get to break from his wooden shell was funny, his voice quivered in anger as he glowered at the camera and said:

Let us not forget that, as you and I have this discussion, there are Iraqis with death squads, Shiah and Sunni, insurgents supported to some extent by people from other countries, al Qaeda and terrorist networks that are doing everything possible to see that those people don't have the freedoms you and I take for granted, for which our forebears have given their lives.

You could feel the gallipoli diggers cheering in their graves as we fight another war based on a lie for someone else's benefit dressed up as our own.

The bushies need to get their spin straighter, some are just not with the program.

top American military officer, General Peter Pace
"We know that the explosively formed projectiles are manufactured in Iran. What I would not say is that the Iranian government, per se [specifically], knows about this," he said. "It is clear that Iranians are involved, and it's clear that materials from Iran are involved, but I would not say by what I know that the Iranian government clearly knows or is complicit."

for a very good summary of the "evidence" against Iran


It was up to Greg Mitchell of Editor and Publisher and blogger Glenn Greenwald to put Gordon's own report in context.

"What is the source of this volatile information?" Mitchell asked. "Nothing less than 'civilian and military officials from a broad range of government agencies.'

"Sound pretty convincing? It may be worth noting that the author is Michael R. Gordon, the same Times reporter who, on his own, or with Judith Miller, wrote some of the key, and badly misleading or downright inaccurate, articles about Iraqi WMDs in the run-up to the 2003 invasion."

So the closest we get to IED is an improvised elucidated diatribe. Get ready for a steady drumbeat of utter crap to flow through the Bushies regime and into the arms of "responsible" journalists. If it aint war, it aint worth fightin for.


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