Thursday, February 08, 2007

heros of the new age

Marine Corps Sgt. Heather Cerveny
Could be charged with filing a false statement for raising the matter.
With newspaper and television headlines proclaiming that an investigation of abuses at Gitmo had cleared all and sundry of all and every accusation, it pays to dig just a few millimetres under the facade.
Investigators conducted 20 interviews with "suspects and witnesses," the Southern Command said. Bassett did not interview any detainees, said Jose Ruiz, a Miami-based command spokesman.
"He talked to all the parties he felt he needed to get information about the allegations that were made," Ruiz said by telephone from Miami.
Remember General Gonzales, the fuckwit in charge of Iraq after all the important people went home to get medals from GW, who investigated abu grahb and declared the place a sunny little slice of Geneva, then the photos came out? Any of this sounding so familiar.
US army investigates US army, finds nothing, investigates little, then does all it can to smear and prosecute those who use their moral compass to alert the world of wrongdoing.
Marine Corps Sgt. Heather Cerveny deserves a hell of a lot more than the shit she will undoubtedly be given for speaking her mind.
The same can be said for all the "investigations" of abuse of David Hicks and the myriad other detainees.
On Dick Cheneys birthday, do your self a favour and shoot someone in the face and let the US army investigate, its the most fun you can get away with, legally. Who knows you may be able to get the shootee arrested for impeding a bullet.
Whistleblowers of the world take heed, you need to be armed with more than the truth, its a very poor weapon in the face of an avalanche of bullshit.


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