Friday, December 08, 2006


The road to peace is through Baghdad, so the neo-cons said to justify thier war of choice. The rest of the world maintained that the road started in Palestine, but that would require a re-examination of a few questions that the US would much rather ignore.

Now that uber-hawk, Olmert wants it out of the Baker-Hamilton report, so it must be true. Also talks on the return of Syrias Golan Heights in return for peace? You must be joking, theres too much good farm land...oh sorry, its only a security zone...

"If Syria and Iran (are) not committed to that concept, then they shouldn't bother to show up," said Mr Bush, who reiterated his longstanding condition that Iran freeze sensitive nuclear work before any direct talks.

So you can link a perfectly legal nuclear program to the turmoil in Iraq, but dont talk about anything else, links only work when they favour your outcomes.

From the washington post:

Eagleburger said after the event that when the group met with Bush, "I don't recall, seriously, that he asked any questions." Even the loyal Baker had to advise his friend's son that "it is time to find a new way forward."

Whats the bet the Decider will decide to set up another study group comprised solely of chiken hawks to give a better gloss to his failed policy and allow him to "decide" the outcome of the findings. All he needs do is look to Howards little bitch, Cole, to see the way forward for the spin.

for the right wing spin on the report, check through the numerous rantings of the people who led the charge to war:

the site of the next energy war
(provided we dont cook up an invasion of Iran)

Speaking of pay for spin:

Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), Chairman of the Environment & Public Works Committee, said today’s hearing about the media and climate change revealed that “Scare tactics should not drive public policy.” The hearing’s purpose was to examine the media’s presentation of climate science and featured scientists and media experts.

“As the Democrats rush to pass costly carbon cap legislation in the next Congress, today’s hearing showed that the so-called ‘scientific consensus’ does not exist. Leading scientists from the U.S. and Australia denounced much of the media for becoming advocates for alarmism rather than objectivity,” Senator James Inhofe said.

“I was particularly interested in testimony by Dr. Daniel Schrag of Harvard University, who believes that manmade emissions are driving global warming. Dr. Schrag said the Kyoto Protocol is not the right approach to take and agreed it would have almost no impact on the climate even if all the nations fully complied,” Inhofe added. Currently 13 of the 15 EU nations are failing to meet the requirements of Kyoto.

During his opening remarks, Senator Inhofe stated, “Rather than focus on the hard science of global warming, the media has instead become advocates for hyping scientifically unfounded climate alarmism.” Senator Inhofe cited criticism from believers in manmade global warming who have slammed the media for presenting “a quasi-religious register of doom, death [and] judgment” and compared the media’s coverage to the “unreality of Hollywood films.”

Now where does this Senator get his largest "donations" from? Have a guess:

ok, the easy answer is spelt EXXON. I think it's phonetic for something.

the limits of new technology, its only as good as the idiots on both ends:

while no other media outlets seem to want to touch this one with a ten foot pole, kudos to The Age for at least trying to hold a government minister accountable for their complete bullshit:

Mean while the ever shrinking aspirational plot to blow up a thousand x 9/11 planes in the UK makes its way to australia. Praise be to fear, it sells so good in the sticks.

"As a result of vulnerabilities exposed in the UK in August with regard to liquids being carried in hand luggage onto international flights, the government this week has taken a decision that as of March 31 next year, all international travellers, both outbound and inbound, ... will need to be restricted in the carriage of liquids, aerosols and gels to 100 millilitre containers," he told ABC Radio.

How will this affect the cost of ministers travel for the next year?

COMMUNICATIONS Minister Helen Coonan spent more than $70,000 of taxpayers' money in just 10 days during a trip to the United States this year

flying and driving Prime Minister John Howard around Australia and the world over the past year cost Australian taxpayers well over $1 million. That included $308,000 on a two-week trip to the US, Canada and Ireland, $192,000 for five days in India and $247,000 for a four-day sweep through South Korea, Pakistan, Malta and the UAE. Mr Howard's use of Commonwealth cars cost about $170,000.

Nationals leader and Deputy Prime Minister Mark Vaile, while still trade minister, spent more than $375,000 on travel in the six months to June 30. This included $89,000 on a five-day trip for an OECD meeting in Paris in May — a rate of $17,800 a day. Mr Vaile also spent $106,000 on a nine-day visit to the US and UK in March for a review of the US-Australia free trade agreement and World Trade Organisation meetings.

Ministers gots to travel, I am just jealous, I could use those dollars for a lot more return and better photos, with a little left over for serious rehab.


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