Friday, December 01, 2006

the gulag archipelago volume 4

I know I know, change of leadership at labor party. should make a comment, but cant be arsed, while I should, I really dislike the little worm Rudd, which of course means that he is "electable". I am not that warm towards the crouching hawk, little target, Beeagly, I am essentially for a vote against howard, the man I consider has so utterly wasted the boom times that he will be looked upon in history as equal to his hero Pig Iron Bob Menzies, the english scum who destroyed australian science and wasted the lasted sustained boom on fucking sheep. So lets hope labor can finally be a real alternative and not just an lite version of the present tossers. Let me hear that luke warm applause for the rudd - gilliard package.

About 3 percent of the U.S. adult population was incarcerated or on parole or probation at the end of last year, a government report said today.

All told, a record seven million men and women were in the U.S. correctional population, which includes parolees or those on probation at the end of 2005, according to a report by the Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics.

The majority of federal prisoners--men and women--were incarcerated for drug offenses.

Forty percent of the population was black, 35 percent white and 20 percent Hispanic.

The report also noted that the federal prison system was operating at 34 percent over capacity at the end of last year.
Creationists in schools alert
brendon nelson will be proud

the government has made it clear that "neither intelligent design nor creationism are recognised scientific theories".,,1957858,00.html?gusrc=rss&feed=1

heres the font of all bullshit:

teach the kids well, truth is just a lie that we make fit with evidence. 7 days to create the world, jesus just wasnt trying that week, he could have done it in three without flexitime. And remember, god put fossils in the ground to fool people into thinking the world had a natural order and dinosuars and men lived in peace in the garden of eden before that skank eve came along and did her booty call dance with the snake.


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