Friday, November 24, 2006

WHITEWASH...the old colours are back

lastnight saw our erstwhile foreign affairs minister, Mr Thingsthatbatter Downer and he refused to answer the simple question:

have you read the cole report?

and he was looking very pleased with himself.

this all adds up to one word: WHITEWASH

TONY JONES: So you haven't read them?

ALEXANDER DOWNER: What I’ve read and haven’t read is immaterial. Everybody will be able to read the Cole report next week. You'll all be able to read it and you’ll all be able to go back over what you've said before and the allegations you've made - I don’t mean you personally - people have made, and you'll be able to compare what you've said with the findings of Mr Cole. You'll be able to make judgments and we'll all be able to make judgments about the accuracy of what we've said in the past. Not just me, not just the Prime Minister and the Trade Minister, but everybody will be able to make a judgment about the accuracy of what they've been saying.

ALEXANDER DOWNER: I think you want to go into the AWB issue and the Cole Inquiry, let me save you your questions: The Cole report will be given to the Governor General, I think it is tomorrow, it will be tabled in Parliament next week and everyone will be able to read it. So all of the theories that people have, whether they're conspiracy theories, whether they're accurate, inaccurate, wrong, lies, whatever they are, that will all be transparent for people to see next week and I'm not getting into any speculation about it late this week.

thems a lot of words to say, yes, he has read it and likes the cut of his Cole boys jib, theres an AO or a blowjob from the queen in the mail.

Can democracy get any worse?


Blogger sammymuir said...

downer he jibber

10:32 PM  

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