Thursday, November 02, 2006

US midterms: one week to solve a problem

Christo eat yaw heart out, this is big:

Federal Tourism Minister Fran Bailey says using "shade cloth" over parts of the Great Barrier Reef off Queensland could protect it from the harmful effects of global warming.

The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest coral reef system, composed of roughly 3,000 individual reefs and 900 islands, that stretch for 2,600 kilometres. (wikipedia)

Now repeat after me: the science is not yet in/conclusive/is disputed/politically motivated/we love the coal industry.

war on terror alert:
Police arrested 25 people in raids across Britain on Aug. 9-10 and charged 17 of them, after uncovering a suspected plot to assemble and detonate improvised explosives on board as many as 10 U.S.-bound planes.

Now lets try and remember the great plot to blow up a hundred airliners over the Atlantic a few months back. 25 arrested, then down to 23 than down to 17, now we have another two down which makes 15 and declining. How much did the total ban on liquids, carry on bags and the chaotic disruption cost each and every one of us? How much of a load of political bullshit will spew from the respective administrations about victory over (u make up a threat, its as credible) terrorism have we already heard.

my favourite line in the whole sorry affair, which wont be over until 2008, reads like something out of team america, 9/11 x 1000:

The alleged plot was described by investigators as having the potential to be on a similar scale to the Sept. 11 attacks.

A drastic crackdown on security following the arrests snarled air traffic across the Atlantic and caused frustrating delays for thousands of passengers.
In a statement, the Crown Prosecution Service said that they believed there was sufficient evidence to charge the brothers under Britain's terrorism laws.
"The court decided today that there is no case to answer; we respect the court's decision," the brief statement said.

Once again, I feel so much safer knowing what a hubris laden, miscreants control this war. I always feel safer traveling though the middle east, at least they are sensible in the way they handle security, two pat downs before boarding the planes, along with the usual security screening, and no great chaos. Why should I feel safer in Damascus and Tehran, than I do knowing who is in charge of my welfare here. Remember when you die from a terrorist explosion, Bush, Blair and Howard can count on your supporting thier vote.

all the news that desrves to be spun and glossed over from Iraq:

If the democrats dont have a plan, its sure gots to be better than the fuckers who started it all without a plan. Turn the lights out before you board the helicopter in panic at the US embassy.

there is nothing sweet in any of those reports. But wait, lets hear how the architects of the "plan", cheney and rumsfeld are doing:

Bush said that "both men are doing fantastic jobs."
He said he valued Cheney's advice and judgment. "The good thing about Vice President Cheney's advice is, you don't read about it in the newspaper after he gives it," the president said.
Mr. Bush credited Rumsfeld with overseeing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan while overhauling the military. "I'm pleased with the progress we're making," the president said. He replied in the affirmative if he wanted Rumsfeld and Cheney to stay with him until the end.

How about giving them the Medal Of Freedom and then booting their arse's to somewhere dark, dank and slimey where they cant do such a "fantastic job".


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