Wednesday, September 06, 2006

like u know

in a month when my exasperation level has reached dangerous levels, I wonder for how many more years will we live beneath this steaming pile of political crap known as the war on terror.

PETER FARIS QC: I think the issue here is the power of a democratically elected Government to make laws for the citizens of its country, as they have done here. And I think judges, activist judges like we've seen in the UK, should not be - they're unelected judges, they're unaccountable and I don't think they should be striking down laws in the way they've done, which have been passed by the Parliament. I think the Parliament has the duty of protecting its citizens. We are at war, this is a war of terror. A war against terror, I should say. We are at war. And this is a very important function for the Government to protect its citizens. And I think trying to say, well, the judges, these seven High Court judges or whatever, are going to sit over the top of the whole country and effectively run the war against terror and tell us what we can do and what we can't do, is not desirable.

I love the import and export side of our nation, we have a US republican talking point, "activist judges" tailored to suit a sure to be called for law change so we can elect our very own public servants, the judicury. Wait for the call, its coming, if Little J gets elected again. Its just like outscourcing justice to the people, worked for the prisons and refugees.

the long war exposed as politcal bullshit to keep tyrants in power:

one of the many great travesties of justice that are coming at us thick and fast from the war on terror. Lawyers may be jailed for representing thier clients, a fair and balanced approach to justice.

spot the talking points:

Michael Ledeen
Giving Khatami prestigious platforms all over America is a dumb move, and it will enormously discourage the Iranian people. For those who believed Bush is serious about regime change, this is a numbing blow. Would FDR have given Goebbels a visa while the Reich was attacking Czechoslovakia?
Whatever the intent, this looks like blatant appeasement and the people in the Middle East will certainly “understand” it that way.

for the flipside and a bit of sense:


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