Monday, August 14, 2006

the allegations are (?)

welcome to the new ice age: the climate of fear

Shape of things to come? A warehouse, under survellance for past three months, and raided as part of the current UK "blow up a thousand planes, bigger than 9/11" terror plot reveals: biscuits, box's and box's of them.

I feels safer, so much safer now. Never did trust those little packets the airlines handed out, could contain anything, anthrax or peanuts, now how would I ever know, until its too late and I am DEAD? its all so fiendish.

How do you question an unknown? For the next 28 days (or longer, 90 days if the Blair government rushes through new internment laws) we are all living in a vaccumm, as the British bobbies question thier subjects, for the next month we will be subjected to continuous leaks of the authorities case. What jury could fail to convict on the headlines alone so far? Patriotism medals should be handed out to any jury that automatically convicts anyone accused of terrorism charges, as Dik Cheney said, its better to convict a hundred innocent people than let one terrorist slip through. Wonder where he got that idea from, rings a few bells, but then my almanac doesnt stretch back to the late 1930's. Now the Big Dik is out hawking the UK terror plot as a reason not to vote democrat in November, declaring a vote for the man who beat the very unhinged Bush supporter Joe Leiberman, Ned Lamont, to be a vote for Al Qeda, but never let it be said that he is in any way using the war on terror for political gain (not when his financial gain is so much the better for it).

Will the UK terror plot outcome be 24 (oops we released one without further questioning), sorry 23, charged with the crime that is currently all over the media, or will we see the fate of the alleged terrorist's go the way of 95% of charges laid in the US and the UK, down graded to considerably lesser one's or thrown out altogether. Possessing pornography is the latest vogue. Will the current state of near universal panic be apologised for, and if the limits of free speech are marked by the famous definition of yelling "fire" in a crowded cinema, will our leaders be themselves charged with public affray? Just waiting for the vaccumm to be filled with reality, rather than the panic striken voices of a hundred "terrorism experts" whose lives are just one big bag of gruesome death plots, media interviews and advice on how to buy their advice.

Day one, 9 planes, day two 12 planes, day three 12 planes blown up over cities, day 4 12-15 planes crashing into london and new york.

Bigger than 9/11? Going back to day 1, the plot foiled had one slight hitch, it was going to be 9 planes spread over several days, overlooking the fact that after day one when presumably 3 planes would have crashed into either the atlantic or one of the above cities, it just might be noticed and hence tighten security, making the last 6-9 plane loads of terrorists a bit harder to achieve. Thank the good lord that terrorists have incredibly stupid travel agents.

other major plots foiled in the UK that didnt really exist (eg many arrested, multiple headlines, nobody jailed):

forest gate (one shot, but his crime, wearing pajamas at the top of a stairs in a threatening manner)
the ricin plot
the manchester stadium football plot

these are the few that come to mind immediately
another day and the bullshit flows unabated from the worlds longest active civil war, the war on drugs


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