Thursday, August 03, 2006

free the carringbush two

from all that is wonderful about our species

to all that is utter bullshit

and the saddness and insanity of one conflict

"The obscene score-card for death in this latest war now stands as follows: 508 Lebanese civilians, 46 Hizbollah guerrillas, 26 Lebanese soldiers, 36 Israeli soldiers and 19 Israeli civilians. In other words, Hizbollah is killing more Israeli soldiers than civilians and the Israelis are killing far more Lebanese civilians than they are guerrillas."


Our PM Little J on reclassifying Hezzbollah as a terrorist organisation:

"No chance, full stop. No chance at all"

What chance peace in the middle east when two of the major players in Hezzbollah and Hamas can simply be dismissed as terrorist organisations.

For many years the Muslim Brotherhood has been banned thoughout the muslim world and villified as a terrorist organisation, despite the acknowledged good and despite the acknowedgement that in free and fair elections it would win a majority of seats thoughout the region. The term terrorist is a blanket application for suppression and repression, how could anyone object to the killing and destruction of anything or anyone that is labelled a terrorist. You can justify anything these days, just add "terrorist" before their names and bingo, you have a free pass to slaughter.

This ridiculous state of affairs has hampered democratic progress througout the world, the Algerians saved "democracy" from the duly elected brotherhood by cancelling thier victory on the grounds that they were terrorists, Eygpt has banned the brotherhood from standing candidates in even thier sham elections on the grounds that they were a "terrorist" organisation. All this has ultimately achieved is the radicalisation and marginalisation of moderate of voices, forcing many to admit that if your voice is silenced, their needs to be another way to speak.

Throughout the muslim world, the true voice of the people will ultimately need to be heard through the power of the ballot, and this in turn does mean that non-secular voices such as Hamas and Hezzbollah, will win elections, with all that that entails. This will also mean that much like failed secular, authoritarian governments, they will fail, and succed, in turn and they should be completely allowed to do so, not hunted down like the leaders of Hamas or like Hamas again, shunned politicly and financially, for doing that which the world wishes them to do, be democratically elected.

We should learn from the use and abuse of the Muslim Brotherhood since its foundation in 1928 and remember that an organisation cannot gain legitimacy if we brand all its actions illegitimate on a flimsy pretext like the "war on terror".

from wikipedia: Consistent with popular belief in the West, the Muslim Brotherhood normally pursues its goals through acts of terror.

a blatantly false accusation, but like our perceptions of Hamas and Hezzbollah, one which allows us to perpetrate any evil, without acknowledging the consequences of our actions.


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