Tuesday, November 21, 2006

i drank a jar of coffee, then I took some of these..

Q: How many born-again Christians does it take to change a light bulb?

A: None. They have already seen the light.

dirty bombs away......

from the I fuking hate american taliban, john ashcroft files, news on Jose Padilla, the man whom ashcroft paraded before the media as about to destroy the US with "dirty bombs" and other nefarious weapons, despite a lack of weapons, plan or seemingly anything else that may have been dangerous (excluding nail clippers, he may have had those, but its extremely difficult to destroy a city as large as new york with manicurists equipment, maybe a small city like chicago you may have a chance). The question of David Hicks comes to mind, if this is what the Bush Regime does to its own citzens, what hope does an australian "enemy combatant" have. habeas corpus is latin for depravation of liberty, not your rights.

John "we already won the war on terror and drugs" Ashcroft, 2002:

I am pleased to announce today a significant step forward in the war on terrorism. We have captured a known terrorist who was exploring a plan to build and explode a radiological dispersion device, or "dirty bomb," in the United States.

From information available to the United States government, we know that Abdullah Al Muhajir is an Al Qaeda operative and was exploring a plan to build and explode a radioactive "dirty bomb."

washing ton post:

After he was arrested in 2002, Jose Padilla was considered so dangerous that he was held without charges in a military prison for more than three years -- accused first of plotting a radiological "dirty bomb" attack and later of conspiring with al-Qaeda to blow up apartment buildings with natural gas.

A Republican-appointed federal judge in Miami has already dumped the most serious conspiracy count against Padilla, removing for now the possibility of a life sentence. The same judge has also disparaged the government's case as "light on facts," while defense lawyers have made detailed allegations that Padilla was illegally tortured, threatened and perhaps even drugged during his detention at a Navy brig in South Carolina.

Robert M. Chesney, a specialist in national security law at Wake Forest University:

"I think the prosecution is ultimately going to emerge victorious on these legal questions," Chesney said. "But, from Day One, we've never had sufficient admissible evidence to fully prosecute Jose Padilla. That's the real problem they have, and it's been a problem from the beginning."

federal public defender Michael Caruso and his team also alleged "was tortured for nearly the entire three years and eight months of his unlawful detention. The torture took myriad forms, each designed to cause pain, anguish, depression and, ultimately, the loss of will to live. The base ingredient in Mr. Padilla's torture was stark isolation for a substantial portion of his captivity."

Among other things, the defense alleges that Padilla was held for 1,307 days in a 9-by-7-foot cell, isolated for days or weeks at a time, physically assaulted and threatened with execution and other violence, kept awake with lights and noises, and forced to take mind-altering drugs, possibly PCP or LSD.

The government counters that Padilla offers no evidence to back up the allegations and that, besides, his treatment by the military is irrelevant to the criminal case against him.



now these are mainstream media, the real skinny on him can be a lot nastier. eg two weeks after 9/11 getting his agents to raid medical marijuana clinics and handcuffing paraplegics to their beds. Christian mercy has never been so strained, nor so instantly hypcritical and politically motivated. A true cunt for the ages.



SEYMOUR M. HERSH on the future of the middle east:


one of the worlds great journalists.


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