Friday, November 17, 2006

oh sheet

holy fuck batman, there is one big shitstorm approaching:

the age gets goofy

Terrorists using comedy websites to lure recruits
16, 2006 - 3:51PMAdvertisement

Terrorists who have long embraced the internet for propaganda and planning have begun to post comedy and Top 10 lists to draw in young recruits, experts say.
Bouchaib Silm, a researcher with the terrorism department at Singapore's Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies, said websites are becoming more modern in design, incorporating content designed to hook a younger generation of sympathisers and potential recruits.
Sites can no longer simply show videos of Osama bin Laden giving an hourlong speech as he sits in front of a bare wall, Silm said.
"The young of today will not listen to him," he said. "They will get bored. So the recruiters need something new to attract them."

I dont know wether its the juxtapostion of the ancient twins with the mammoth bones or just my general fascination with all things history and pre-history, but this un tickled me mightily


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