Wednesday, November 15, 2006

has anyone told you lately ..narratives in despair

lets try and summarise the ever changing rationale for being in Iraq:

wmd (remember those, ok we was only joking)
regime change
saddams ouster
saddams capture
something mumbled that nobody quite caught

now we have...

american prestige

From the 7.30 report, Our PM, Mr Rubbery Shrubbery:

what I will say in answer to that question is that if the coalition leaves Iraq, in circumstances where it is viewed by the rest of the world, and particularly by terrorists, as a defeat, that will have enormous and negative ramifications for the prestige and the authority of the United States in the world.

Its a little like trying to save a suicidal man by telling them that its only small drop when they are standing on the ledge of a twenty story building. The Bush regimes problems are entirely self created and we are doing nothing more than encouraging them by being there. Considering that our role has been as a minor yes man to each and every dumbass neocon fantasy, shouldnt we have at least have told someone in washington by now that having a clue would be a good start. Instead, we march in lock step over the precipice.

nobody may leave Iraq if it means that midwestern american values are in any danger of being undermined.

We cannot leave Iraq if one foetus will be aborted.
We cannot leave Iraq if one flag is in danger of being burnt.
We cannot leave Iraq until they write the sanctity of christmas into their constitution.
We cannot leave iraq until they accept jesus as thier salvation.
we cannot leave Iraq if even one gay iraqi starts to think he may marry his/her boyfriend/girlfriend/rick santoriums dog.
we cannot leave iraq if satan has a foothold in any iraqi metal band.
we cannot leave iraq until every iraqi has been to a britany spears concert. (that'll teach the heathen bastards)

these are the central issues that govern my day. And I will defend to the death your right to invade my morals and replace them with yours.

as robert fisk sez: "the americans must leave, the americans cant leave and the americans will leave. Its the equation that turns sand into blood" Bow down before the one u serve.

We cannot leave iraq until the iraqis know how to defend themselves, but personally I figure thats exactly what they are doing, and they are very good at it, just ask the nearly 3,000 americans who've died so far and the 550 plus who are now limbless, or the 165,000 to 650,000 Iraqi dead.

The saddest fact is that in australia not one vote will be changed by our failed Iraq adventure, the question that Howard needs to be pressed upon is, what responsibility do you take for the chaos and death that rules Iraq? His answer so far is to point to france and say "well even the french believed saddam had WMD's". The french are such cunts for getting us mixed up in this.
I also blame them for Jaidyn lesky and jailing lindy chamberlan. Jacque Chirac take note, you are must be smacked, hard.

funniest news of the day, fox's boggest cocksuker Bill o's sexual harrassment lawsuit is it and weep in laughter and artistic shame while you ponder your next democrat inspired compulsory abortion....


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