Wednesday, November 22, 2006

drought of ideas part three: thirsty beavers away

No this poll was not taken in Ohio, but in our favourite place for the delivery of flowers and chocolates, Occupationland. Get the fuck outa dodge is what they are telling us.

M.E. maddness part 4 million and seventy two:

Industry Minister Pierre Gemayel was gunned down on Tuesday as he drove in a Christian suburb of Beirut, becoming the sixth anti-Syria politician to be killed in nearly two years.

splashed across the front page and headline from here to eternity. Perhaps we should also be looking at the fact that both Israel and the US are very happy to assasinate political opponents and have declared it their right to do so. Is it the absolute height of hypocrisy to condemn one side for doing exactly what you support the right of you and your freinds to do. Not in this brave new world of order.

The Nuclear Power debate.
(debate? I think we may have redefined the word)

Unbelievable, a government commisioned report whose chairman was a staunch advocate of nuclear power, whose only greenish member quit the day the terms of reference were released, finds that his findings were suprisingly in line with the government who commissioned the report. I am shocked to the core of my own personal reactor.

Me, I am neither for nor against nuclear power, for me its just another power scource, albeit with some strange side effects, but other than that, go ahead make my day glow.

So, we see the report (or the draft of the report) and it sadly reflects the incredibly narrow definition of the question asked. Whitewash is too good a term for the opening of this debate.

Perhaps the question that should have been asked that may have done some good, is a simple one:

What are the options for baseload power into the future? please discuss.

If solar and wind are not suitable for baseload, then how about geothermal and wave power?
If nuclear is not feasible without the public paying through the nose to put money in GE's pocket, and if government subsidies are inevitable, shouldnt the worlds communities band together to do a Manhattan project on alternative renewable energy? You know it made sense.

Another question, if the PM Mr Rubbery Shrubbery 2 is so damned fired up about the safety and necesity of nuclear power, does that mean that he supports the Iranian governments actions in its building of one? If not, what the fuck....

Is this report a forbidding look at the next whitewash, The Cole Inquiry? Or will Downer, Vale etc be given the right royal boot up the arse they so richly deserve?

What did change in 1996 that prompted our beloved wheatboard to hang out the "Please Corrupt, as a refusal may insult" sign in the store window? Hummmmm....96, no dont tell me, its on the tip of my ballot box......

reasons why peace in the middle east is further away than ever...

building bridges, making us safer....

its new years eve 1983...welcome to 1984

The US government has tweaked its terminology in referring to the nearly 11 million Americans who face a constant struggle with hunger to refer to them as people with "very low food security".

According to a report released this month by the US Department of Agriculture, roughly 35 million Americans had difficulty feeding themselves in 2005 and of those some 10.8 million went hungry.

But unlike last year's report on hunger in America, which labelled families who don't get enough to eat as having "food insecurity with hunger", this year's report referred to them as having "very low food security".
from the we are all doomed files:
if this can happen to the Furry ones daughter, what hope does anyone have walking down the street. Also I am assuming that this means that secret service agents who throw themselves in front of speeding bullets, should one have the pleasure of speeding its way towards the bushy president, dont have to do this in the case of the presidents family, they just need to deflect it to a less than lethal area to be in compliance with their job description.
Doin a heck ov a job fellas.


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