Monday, November 27, 2006

Howards Little Bitch, AO, FW, RSole

The Honourable Terence Rhoderic Hudson Cole AO RFD QC, hence forth known as Howards Little Bitch

I had completely forgotten that this was Howards little bitch's second royal commission, his first netted exactly 0 prosecutions, cost the usual 20-30 million and allowed tony abbot (then industrial relations minister) to smear anyone he wanted. but did get him:

2005: Appointed an Officer of the Order of Australia.

The citation read: “For services to the judiciary, particularly judicial administration; to the reform of the building and construction industry in Australia, and to the community through the Royal Australian Navy and environmental and arts organisations.”

2001-2003: Royal Commission into the Building and Construction Industry in Australia 1998 - 2000

Questions to be asked:

why weren't any of the "i cant recall" ministers, vaille, downer or the wee one asked back to the witness stand after a million friggin documents turned up, some only as late as last week, well beyond the time needed to get into the final report?

surely you ask questions about evidence, after you have reviewed the evidence, not before and hope that the testimony already given dovetails with the answers (I cant recall, i do not remember, not to my recollection, sorry didnt catch that got your dick in my mouth thats why)......apart from this complete fucking 30 million dollar WHITeWASH

If the whitewash clears the government, why weren't they included in the terms of reference. Looking at the governments role is outside its terms, yet, howards little bitch, clears them? How????

fuck this, I cant think straight, not even the most cursory gloss over could ignore the incompetence of DFAT...BUT IT DOES!!!!!!!

there are moments in ones life where violence does achieve goals, this may be one of them.

thats what freinds are 4:



Blogger sammymuir said...

mmmm bacon fat mmmmmm

10:30 PM  

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