Friday, November 24, 2006

the it or leave it (special raputure edition)

onward exclusive christian soldiers:

why are private equity firms starting to take on the stench of 1980's junk bonds?

The world is awash with other peoples money, banks are loosening their lending standards and the fat fee merchants of 'PE" are riding the debt bubble to eventual oblivion eg the qantas once taken over by maquarie and its US partner will be 16 billion in debt?

Is this in any way sustainable?

Is it at all conceivable that Singapore Airlines will re-apply for the more profitable routes that it was denied by the Australian government on the grounds of national interest?

more on the morrow

from the what you reap so shall ye sow:unbearable saddness files:

from the older files that still infuriate-right wing facts from:

There's more GOOD news in Iraq than bad news, and the cause our soldiers are fighting for is NOBLE and JUST. Will you help us get the word out?

a/ Five million Iraqi students are back in school, with 51 million new Ba'ath-free textbooks in circulation

widespread kidnappings (both secular and for profit) have forced many students away from schools. Numerous US contractors are under indicment and investigation for profiteering, failure to perform under no bid contracts. Estimate is that fewer than 1 in 50 of the projects (such as schools) have been completed to even marginal standards (such as connecting toilets to sewers or doing anything more than slapping on a single coat of paint over crumbling rooms). The figure "51 million ba'ath free books" is pulled from a australian bloggers website (Arthur Chrenkoff) which is not checked against a single fact, its just culled from any "good" news that he can find on the web, that well known bastion of absolute truth and veracity (eg bold lies told by the CPA of Bremer Fame). eg check out this review of a good book, George Packer, The Assassins’ Gate, which quotes a million facts most of which turn out to be pure bullshit.

so far, the only fact I have been able to glean about the 51 million books is that $us44 million was provided in 2003-2004 for the books. Can anyone say where the books are? Or where the money went?

Academics forced into exile under Saddam are coming back to teach in Iraqi universities

oh jesus, the refugees in Tehran and Damascus are all teachers, doctors and engineers etc, last week half of an entire engineering department were kidnapped, tortured and murdered. Nearly all academics report receiving death threats and ....just fuking jesus...

There are now over 200,000 trained Iraqi security forces personnel

dont ask the pentagon this, their numbers as quoted by Rummy, have gone from 150, 000 to 75 million, my favourite was when rummy was asked how many he gave the fugure as 375,000 and when pressed say how many of these were fully trained and operating independently, the number fell to less than 2,000. The other equation is that even the 200,000 quoted here have simply been trained to join the myriad milias and go on sectarian killing sprees. all praise the lord for the ammunition.

The Ministry of Industry has issued 7661 licenses for new businesses

out of 25 million people over 3 years its nothing, that is less than were register in the first half of 2005 in melbourne alone last year.

There's been a LARGE boost in economic activity due to tax-cuts.

umm, prove that one, just what was the average rate of tax under saddam, and how can a 70% drop in GDP (since invasion/occupation) be classified as a "LARGE boost". Reganomics at its most inventive, pure bullshit at its face value.

A complete rebuilding and renovation of major telecommunications infrastructure

crap and more crap, even iraqi televison stations are mainly broadcast from outside the country or from deep inside the green zone. As for reconstruction, somewhat offset by the rampant, uncontrolled, destruction and corruption.

A new sewer system is stimulating the Iraqi economy & improving health conditions

ok so it only works on average 5 hours a day in the bahgdad and was bombed out of commison by the US and life expectancy is probably down, but people are scooping up shit like this and selling it to right wing chiken hawks for twenty bucks a fact.

Public Health Centers are bringing family healthcare to Iraqi neighborhoods

if you can get past the guards and death squads posing as guards looking to kill the other guards, also posing as guards, looking...u get the circular picture.


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