Wednesday, November 29, 2006

who do I have to kill to get this civil war started?

Nats vs Liberals
watch the video, its funny as hell, and looks a lot like a civil war to me:

but heres what a real civil war looks like:

Iraq is rending itself apart. The signs of collapse are everywhere. In Baghdad, the police often pick up more than 100 tortured and mutilated bodies in a single day. Government ministries make war on each other. A new and ominous stage in the disintegration of the Iraqi state came earlier this month when police commandos from the Shia-controlled Interior Ministry kidnapped 150 people from the Sunni-run Higher Education Ministry in the heart of Baghdad.
Iraq may be getting close to what Americans call "the Saigon moment"

The report describes Iraq's Sunni minority as "embroiled in a daily fight for survival", fearful of "pogroms" by the Shiite majority and increasingly dependent on al-Qaeda in Iraq as its only hope against growing Iranian dominance across Baghdad.
"From the Sunni perspective, their greatest fears have been realised — Iran controls Baghdad and Anbaris have been marginalised," the report says. Moreover, most Sunnis now believe it would be unwise to count on or help US forces because they are seen as likely to leave Iraq before imposing stability.

its just a bit of a lovers tiff, really believe me, he only hits you to show how much he cares.

the age:

Monarchy is the tie that binds us together
By Tony Abbott
November 29, 2006

does anybody else find the idea of such a staunch catholic defending the head of a breakaway church a little mystifying? Didnt the church of england proclaim Romes authority null and void in favour of free lovin', condoms and abortions for all?

Mr Mi Ovaries argues that:

australians are generally ignorant about history, so deserve what they get.
love celebrities, and really the royals are just another variation.
herald sun readers love monarchy enough that 1/3 of them have no opinion opinion, a ringing endorsement as the 26% of young herald sun readers who support the monarchy.
We (so far) speak english. (why so far? is Mr O suggesting that we may soon speak french, the bastards who forced us to invade Iraq)
Its just a good slap in the face to "modernists" who are jealous they didnt invent the monarch, but may have invented the lightbulb, the bastards.
"very idea of the monarchy offends people", yeh so do you fuck face.
If we elect a president, he or she may not act "with the dignity and restraint". Finally someone I can relate to in a position of power, if he/she were to hand me a big fat spliff at an offical function, I would most certainly count that in his or hers favour, not as a negative.
"the monarch represents that ideal of duty and service that is always beyond the reach of actual human beings but towards which all should strive", here, here, I always have said that humans are the worst form of creature to be in charge of anything. Now green skinned extraterrestrials or angry, vengeful dieties probing me day and night, thems I would obey.

"In an age accustomed to the breaking of the most sacred promises" like ministerial accountablity?

I admit it, i hate the mutha fucker coz he is so always a complete whiny, conservative who will tell you to follow his selected verses in the bible, but is more than willing to ignore anything which may offend his dinner commitments (eg eating prawns).


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