Thursday, November 30, 2006

dont blame me, I voted for Satan

for those who just love to know what creepy little think tanks creepy thoughts are being aired:

before the shit hits the slums, some'it of interest:

Mr Thomas Friedman, the man who has stated on 15 occasions (starting late 2003 to mid 2006) that the "next six months are crucial" now wants us to invade Iraq. Is the man super sunshine, batshit crazy, look what happened last time someone did that.

TF: Given this, we need to face our real choices in Iraq, which are: 10 months or 10 years. Either we just get out of Iraq in a phased withdrawal over 10 months, and try to stabilize it some other way, or we accept the fact that the only way it will not be a failed state is if we start over and rebuild it from the ground up, which would take 10 years. This would require reinvading Iraq, with at least 150,000 more troops, crushing the Sunni and Shiite militias, controlling borders, and building Iraq's institutions and political culture from scratch...

Juan Cole: The US invaded their country, abolished their army, gutted their civil service, occupied their cities, and now it is the Iraqis' fault.

a win to Muqtada al-Sadr?

gets Bush to hump his leg,
while white house staff feed him chilled peeled grapes and comb his moustache.
Muqtada:"Do you swallow Mr bush? You do now...."

Bush counselor Dan Bartlett
"So it was going to be more of a social meeting anyways."

"There's no snub" says whitehouse lickspittle, Tony Snow, "we just didnt know what wine to serve with muslims"

the Saudi equation
the question is only when they will "offically" start:

"To be sure, Saudi engagement in Iraq carries great risks -- it could spark a regional war. So be it: The consequences of inaction are far worse," Obaid said.

if the United States begins withdrawing from Iraq, "one of the first consequences will be massive Saudi intervention to stop Iranian-backed Shi'ite militias from butchering Iraqi Sunnis."

add this to the Saudi threat to the UK to break off diplomatic relations if they continue to investigate an $80 million slush fund set up to keep the Saudi royal family happy, and you can just feeel the love and stability eminating from the region.


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