Thursday, December 07, 2006

warne IS love

if you read one thing this year, you should read a lot more.

key finding: bush is an arsehole who lied up until he was caught lying, then he changed tack and lied about his lying ways, the little scamp.

some more lies, courtsey of the Long War (war on terrorism's):

Arar, a 34-year-old software engineer, was traveling on a Canadian passport when he was detained at New York's Kennedy Airport on Sept. 26, 2002, during a stopover on his way home to Canada from a family vacation in Tunisia. After his release from a Damascus prison in 2003, Arar made detailed allegations about beatings and whippings with electrical cables, which Canadian authorities have come to accept as credible.

JOHN Howard and Alexander Downer sparked Australia's biggest biological terror scare last year when they exaggerated test results to claim white powder sent to the Indonesian embassy in Canberra — later shown to be flour — was a "biological agent".

as a sidelight, I would like to thank the religious leaders of australia for their recent support of efforts to highlight the dangers of global warming and enviromental destruction. Unlike their american equivalents (especially the extremely radical, yet mainstream, evangalical church groups) who have denied that any problems whatso ever exist and anyone who claims there is even evidence of global warming are in the pay of homosexual, communist, satanists. Its not often that I get to thank superstition mongers for anything, but here I will gladly extend my thanks and thank the non existant deity that I live in australia.

My thanks to Kevin Rudd also for dumping on his party hack arse, Anthony Albanese. With the enviroment shaping as a key election issue, now is not the time for a wart on the parlimentary process to be given such a key portfolio, it can no longer be considered a reward for backdoor party shennanigans.

On the political gutter side, pauline hanson, the human contraceptive:

The former One Nation leader ruffled feathers with the announcement yesterday she was planning a return to federal politics and would campaign about industrial relations laws and the ease with which Muslims and "diseased" Africans were entering Australia.

"They are of no benefit to this country whatsoever, they'll never be able to work."And what my main concern is, is the diseases that they're bringing in and yet no one is saying or doing anything about it."

from bob brown:

"Her profile makes this country look ugly, makes it look racist, makes it look nasty and we pay for that,'' he said. "She is world famous for the racist comments that she makes and it does damage Australia.


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