Thursday, December 14, 2006

beat me like a gong

DLP wins one ....
fuk me, my memories are racing back to watching Bob Santamaria spout about shit and communism before World Championship Wrestling on a Sunday afternoon. So many years ago, so many Mario Milano moments ago. Now they are back in parliament and they are as shocked as anyone else. I feel so old for just having these memories, please Jesus kill me now.
Apart from renaming his failed Iraq adventure, with the ever catchy, post Maoist, "the new way forward", the Bushies and their allies (blair and howard) are now strenuously pushing the line:
Its all Iran and Syrias fault.
Followed by the liberal media.
It would be funny, if people weren't dying like flies.
Now the Known Unknown wants to rebrand the Long War or the War on Terror and emphasises its importance by comparing it to a soap opera. He is nothing if not an arse covering peice of slime.
“With what you know now, what might you have done differently in Iraq?” Rumsfeld offers a remarkable response:
I don’t think I would have called it the war on terror. I don’t mean to be critical of those who have. Certainly, I have used the phrase frequently. Why do I say that? Because the word ‘war’ conjures up World War II more than it does the Cold War. It creates a level of expectation of victory and an ending within 30 or 60 minutes of a soap opera. It isn’t going to happen that way. Furthermore, it is not a ‘war on terror.’ Terror is a weapon of choice for extremists who are trying to destabilize regimes and (through) a small group of clerics, impose their dark vision on all the people they can control. So ‘war on terror’ is a problem for me.
Will Ehud Olmert now be jailed for 20 years for giving away state secrets?:
Mr Olmert's admission comes less than a week after the incoming US secretary of defence, Robert Gates, speculating at a Senate confirmation hearing on Iran's possible motives for trying to build nuclear arms, suggested that Israel had the bomb.
The White House said the statement was issued in connection with Human Rights Day this week. "It's important to remind people that Syria remains an aggressive violator of human rights."
Oh sweet zombie jesus, the US shipped off dozens of "combatants" to Syria precisely to be tortured. Hypocrisy dont need to slap me in the face too hard to get a reaction.
My cold is not improving my mood re the LONG WAR
Remember the reason why we now have new rules governing the amount of liquids we can take on planes? Yes? No?
Well, yet another key plank in the original 9/11 x 1,000 plot has been demolished. Like the dwindling number of Britons still charged..28....25...22..17..15...we will need to wait till 2008 to see if the number keeps dropping due to "a complete lack of evidence."
Will Mark Vaile now take back the 100ml law, not a hope, governments do not give up powers easily, especially in an election year knowing that each time a passenger gets on a plane they will think about voting for "trust" and "security".

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan, Dec. 13 — A judge threw out terrorism charges on Wednesday against Rashid Rauf, a Briton of Pakistani descent whom prosecutors depicted as a major figure in a plot to smuggle liquid explosives onto trans-Atlantic airliners and detonate the bombs in flight.
The ruling means there are now no terrorism charges against two people once accused of being linchpins of a major Al Qaeda bombing plot. The other is Tayib Rauf, Mr. Rauf’s younger brother, who was detained in Britain last August and soon set free without charge.
But it was not clear whether the ruling would clear the way for Rashid Rauf’s return to Britain for questioning on other charges.
Reports of a bombing conspiracy set off a huge alarm in August in Britain and the United States, disrupting air travel when the authorities imposed some of the strictest peacetime security restrictions on passengers.
But less publicly, the alarm created powerful strains between American and British investigators over the timing of a crackdown on suspects in which British authorities rounded up 25 people on Aug. 9 and 10, later charging 17 of them. The other eight, including Tayib Rauf, were set free without charges.
British officials involved in the case said that American investigators had pushed for quicker arrests in the case but that the British had wanted to wait longer to gather admissible evidence

on the back of a further anti-gay christian outing, another christian bites the dust of sin, but at least he isnt gay, thank god, we all say, praise jesus and pass the minolta:

Aaron Niles, 20, of Waterloo, was arrested Tuesday on three counts of child pornography and one count of indecent solicitation of a child, police said.

meanwhile, another good right wing christian tells the world something that I have suspect for a damn long time:

Soy is making kids 'gay'

those evil gay bastards (and bitches, to be fair to those evil lesbians) is there no level to which they wil not stoop in their relentless recruiting campaign.

now this is funny: The good news about nuclear destruction
(well it appeals to my sense of humour, remember there is nothing gay about nuclear destruction, its a mans mans way to go.)


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