Wednesday, February 14, 2007

american prestige, u want it, u know u want it..

Ok so he has said it before many times, but its just so patently absurd, why are we in Iraq, "American prestige", so says our great and good sherif of the pacific rim, PM Short Bush Jnr. While all the other reasons for this fiasco have fallen beneath the steamroller of reason in the cold light of day, we can always count on the architects to find one more justification for why their building is both on fire and falling into the open sewer upon which the entire premise was built. If I can mix any more metaphores, I will, it has that kinda Bushie Iraq solution feel to it.

American prestige is damaged precisely because of the myraid lies that led up to the invasion, has been damaged further by the utter incompetence of the occupation, and the subsequent looting of the Iraqi and US peoples money by Bush cronies on a scale that is beyond mendacity.

And Little Aussie Bush Jnr, just wants to keep the ball rolling along as though he were on the verge of transforming Iraq into the Denmark any day now. There has not been one word of criticism from our erstwhile government, no doubt mirroring the RNC mantra, that even debating the issues just "emboldens the terrorists" or in PM Likspittle Jnr words, destroys "american prestige." What kind of tortured logic is this utter shit.

American prestige in this case means nothing more than the willful toadying to the Bush Regime and the RNC, especially as PM shrilly shrub jnr has declared the Democratic party a terrorist organisiation. Is he now in the loop for the daily talking points handed out to Republican shrills, clearly that fat old toad is.

the latest scandal, close bush ally and No.3 installed bush appointee at the CIA, indicted for fraud. American prestige, its naught more than hubris wrapped in flag draped coffins.

Federal indictments named Kyle "Dusty" Foggo, executive director of the CIA until he resigned in May, and his close friend, San Diego defense contractor Brent Wilkes, both 52, according to two government officials who spoke on condition of anonymity because grand jury proceedings are secret.
In a separate indictment, Wilkes was charged with conspiring to bribe Cunningham in return for government contracts. A man who was described as a co-conspirator in Cunningham's 2005 plea agreement, John T. Michael, was also charged.

for good coverage, with full and sordid context (and context is king)

Success is such a relative term.

Korea agrees to suspend its nuclear program in exchange for oil.
Korea restarted its nuclear program after John Bolton, on orders from the Bushies, stopped the Clinton brokered deal of no nuclear power in exchange for oil. Boltons style guaranteed confrontation and the suspension of previous agreed to deals.

so success is going backwards to the deal that was in place in 1994. hmmmm, I can see why cheney thinks Iraq is such a sterling success, in his mind its 1929, he is leading the British forces and they are having a smashing time bombing Arabs on camels into submission from airplanes, a cant lose situation.

Now the bushies are saying that Iran can take some lessons from this, except...they dont talk to Iran. The sticking point for the Nth Koreans for the past few years has simply been getting the Bush regime to sit down and talk, which Rice et al have said they would not do, until Nth Korea exploded its supposed "nuke".

So the lesson for Iran is, if you want diplomatic relations and talks with the US, build a nuclear device and explode it. The policy has all the hallmarks of the great Bush legacy on foriegn policy, if it aint broke, break it, if it is broke, broker it a bit more, but refuse to talk when in the same room, furthermore, what was I saying about lame ducks and .......lets call the whole thing off.

Or at least pretend to explode one, which is most likely what the Nth Koreans did. Nevermind, it work the way Kim Ill Jong wanted.
In the beginning was the word, and the word was hooray (with a sigh of relief)

TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) -- The Kansas state Board of Education on Tuesday repealed science guidelines questioning evolution that had made the state an object of ridicule.
The new guidelines reflect mainstream scientific views of evolution and represent a political defeat for advocates of ''intelligent design,'' who had helped write the standards that are being jettisoned.
The intelligent design concept holds that life is so complex that it must have been created by a higher authority.


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