Thursday, February 15, 2007

Emboldenilation: debating the issues will lead to your death.

Here's what you cant do or a terrorist will seek you out and kill you, dead. Or at the very least the Terrorist will feel emboldened, have his ego massaged by your very thinking of the following things. The answer of course, dont think, its dangerous and likely to kill you, DEAD, no ifs or buts, DEAD. You have been warned.
Nominate benchmarks for progress in Iraq.
Just know that despite what you read, see or hear, everything is going according to the plan.
Talk about the plan
as though it has an outcome you can measure in real terms, thats benchmarking. You will die people, stop it.
JOHN HOWARD: It is very unwise to be nominating the benchmarks
Dont call it a civil war, its clearly not, its:
Civil disturbance, sectarian strife, a fraught and difficult situation, chaos, chaotic, the Iraq war, the Iraq conflict, the current situation, recovering from tyranny, a hiccup in the restoration of security, a conflict, an escalation of violence, sectarian bloodletting, a tide of violence, rosey (cheney), an outstanding success (cheney), the pointy end of the war on terror.....
Talk about deadlines.
This will lead you to thinking about benchmarks and you may accidentally think about the plan, which will make terrorists bigger than big, stronger than strong and you deader than dead.
PM Little Bush: "It is dangerous to be naming dates because they encourage those who want you to fail to prolong the strife and the carnage until that date arrives." After that, well...
mention an Exit Strategy
Plan, benchmarks, deadlines, you have killed a thousand people just by reading the words and made the entire globe a pawn in the hands of terrorists. We got into this by having no idea, and we shall get out the same way.
Mr Downer told Parliament
"It would destabilise the Middle East as a whole, it would have disastrous consequences for the war against terrorism, embolden terrorists around the world and bring terrorism closer to Western countries"
These people are clearly looking to buy land in Sweden if we ever leave Iraq, and thats disasterous for all "free thinking" western democracies.
Accept any responsiblity for the current situation
Its Al queda, Iran, Syria and that guy you met in January who tried to pick up your girlfriend, thats who's to blame for the somewhat disheartening, yet still winnable rubble that is the flowering bloom of democracy, Iraq.
Debate any aspect of the War in Iraq
This "will embolden terrorists in every corner in the world. We will give Iran free access to the Middle East," said Republican leader John Boehner of Ohio. "And who doesn't believe the terrorists will just follow our troops home?" So if you are being followed by terrorists, its because in your head, your debating the war, they know this, they have psychic powers which can kill you DEAD.
Investigate the reasons why we are in Iraq
Embolden, people, do I need to say that you will be faced with a 70 metre tall Osama if you start to wonder why? We know why and as long as the terrorists dont, we are safe and the terrorists unemboldened. They feed on the energy inherent in the word, why, they dont eat, they suck the question from your brain and grow to enormous size.
Question the prosecution of the war.
You are just inviting the chaos to come into your childrens bedrooms and be smeared like an oozing jelly on the soul of your little ones. We all have tonnes of cash lying around in bricks, what, you dont? Well come to Iraq, have we got a bargain for you, no work or experience necesary, and we do mean its necesary to have no experience. Sure for the first three years we fed arms and cash to some of the militias, now we only send them arms and cash if they agree to a full inventory every few years. No forget that happened, I have no idea where the money went to, what money? Sunni, shiite, kurds, so many forms, so many, and they all look alike to me, best pay them all and let the bullets decide who to bribe next. Death Squads? Just a bunch of scamps from next door, they look a lot worse than they are, relax big guy, have this brick of hundreds to sleep on.
Mention the similarity between the thoroughly discredited "domino theory"
and the current rationale for being in Iraq.
Al queda is praying that you do, and god answers all prayers, unconditionally within 48 hours. Its a fact, scientifically proven.
PM Howard at an Exclusive Brehren BBQ lunch "My deep concern is that if America is defeated in Iraq a humiliated, enfeebled America might withdraw its interests in our part of the world," he said."And it would be a catastrophe for the West if America were defeated in Iraq."
Query the connection between the War on Terror
and the Current Stunning Success that is Iraq
What are you, Osamas bitch? You may take it and you may like it, but Saddam was there before you. Feel like a cheap whore, you said it, Im just agreeing.
Talk of defeat for the US
Sure the situation is hopeless, but really what is hope, a plan for the future based on facts as you know them. And you know nothing or you would be asking why, and why will kill your grandmother in a very horrible, horrible way. So being in a hopeless situation should give you strength to know that the terrorists are not following you, they are quagmired elsewhere. See its all good. Mmmmmmm prestigous....
Lets face it, us and the US are in the Iraq forever and the sooner you accept that fact and stop emboldening terrorists, the sooner we can invade Iran.

Speaking of things that you shouldnt ever talk about:

The Education Department has confirmed that, during 2004, Dr Nelson had representations from the Brethren, and agreed to give them an exemption from testing the computer literacy of year 6 and year 10 students. That year, computer literacy was made a condition of Federal Government funding of private schools, but at the time the Brethren shunned computers, believing them to be instruments of the devil.

Young Iranian boy in Shiraz, beggin me to invade his country and turn it into another showpeice of democracy. Why wont we listen to the children? Why? Oh, shit sorry, forgot, dont ask why


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