Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I love the smell of meth labs in the morning

Me telling these two wiseasses that no god, no matter how wonderful, would ever live a the top of so many friggin stairs.
My wonderful guides (Mehdi and the other guy) at the zorastrian site of Chakchak letting me know that UK PM Blair was indeed praying for the fall of the west and that they had personally witnessed him smoking a water pipe with Osama Bin Laden. Bin Ladens only comment was to scoff at suggestions claiming forcefully that he wouldn't be caught dead with Blair until he refunded the money he gave for his (Osama's) seat in the house of lords.
Oh what a wonderful day for our PM Howard to declare that all Labor Party's thoughout the world are in the employ of Alqueda. Wedge it baby, you know the bitches will take it, and they will like it.
Blair tells Bush of Iraq pullout plans.
Alexander "battered" Downer: "It makes good sense, what we are all trying to do is increasingly transfer responsibility for security to the Iraqi security forces"
But, Rudds plan is a win for Alqueda, go figure
and smell this middle finger of hypocrisy and or expediency
for near good real time overviews of the
ongoing stunning success that is the Iraqi Blossoming
From the only in America or the Tribal Areas of Pakistan comes:
the tale of one student and his teacher
LaClair taped a teacher of his saying to students in a history class "that if they do not believe that Jesus died for their sins, they 'belong in hell,'" writes McGeehan. On the same recordings, the article continues, the teacher is heard telling the students "that there were dinosaurs aboard Noah's ark and that there is no scientific basis for evolution or the Big Bang theory of the origin of the universe."
LaClair has reportedly been "the target of harassment and a death threat from fellow students and 'retaliation' by school officials who have treated him, not the teacher, as the problem," McGeehan says.
Bring back the taliban, those guys did education right, by the book.
and for the liberal jewish perspective with a more than useful recording of the good christian himself:
sure they killed christ, but it didnt make the papers at the time, so no bigee.


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