Friday, March 02, 2007

the worst of the wurst?[1].pdf

hangover time....

So now we know that the War on Terrorisms, evilest killers, the worst of the worst, those that threaten to undermine the very fabric of our society and turn us into a dustbowl of battered corpses are at worst guilty of the lowest and laziest of charges in the vast pantheon of terrorism laws. Will Howard now apologise for his comments about the "extremely serious charges" that Hicks will face, will Downer do the same, and Rudd. After all the bullshit and bluster we come down to "material support of terrorism", no murders, no attempted murders, no plots to kill, no buildings in flames, no broken bodies, just a retrospective law and charge that Hicks was present in Afghanistan and helped the Australian acknowledged government of the day. What shit doth be pushed uphill in this barrow.

Hicks was al-Qa'ida's golden boy: inmate...will the Australian newspaper now print a full and protracted apology for using a completely denied and retracted "confession" now that the full extent of Hicks crimes are revealed? Or will the smears continue at the same pace.

Major Mori: "How could it be a serious charge if it was made up in 2006 and you're applying it to someone in 2001," he said."It's called a retrospective legislation and it goes against our basic values and it's a position that the Australian Government has stood strong on that, that is wrong and inappropriate and it cannot be tolerated," he said."How can they tolerate America doing to an Australian what they say Australian cannot do to an Australian."
Had to happen, a bad day for Rudd gets conflated into armageddon by Howard, oh well, still raises a few questions for the Libs.

So Mr Howard, how often did you and your cronies meet with sleazy liberal powerbroker,Noel Crichton-Browne, also named in the Western Australian Crime Commision?,20867,21263226-2702,00.html
Lying liars and the lies that kill. Cherry picking at its finest.

Douglas Feith: This IG report controversy is, in essence, a debate over whether the CIA should be protected against criticism by policy officials.

No its not doug. Its about your shadowy intra-house made up bullshit that the Whitehouse wanted to be true so they could invade Iraq. Made up intelligence from extremely dubious scources which the CIA told the Bushies was such has led to thousands of deaths in a war of choice. If you cant live with your actions, your utter incompetence and its consequences, well ...

“I want to be in the class of people who did the right thing, the sensible thing, and not necessarily the fashionable thing, the thing that met the aesthetic of the moment.”

Like manipulate false inteligence and lie your country into a war. Like your complete incompetence in planning for the aftermath of the war, but then General Tommy Franks said it best..

“the fucking stupidest guy on the face of the earth,”

well come and meet with more of his distortions and delusions as he backpedals and grandly justifys as fast as he can up his own arse..

National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice said, "Thanks Doug, but when we want the Israeli position we'll invite the ambassador."


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