Tuesday, March 06, 2007

bbbbburke..LTS..liberal tourettes syndrome

How many times did our treasurer say "Brian Burke" durring a 12 minute interview on lateline lastnight: twenty seven (27), this includes twice when he said "Brian Burke, Brian Burke"

Couple this with the PM trying to get a sentence out that didnt include BB and you have a government that no longer governs, just hangs around street corners muttering BB, BB, BB. even the wind seems to be whispering BB.

Are the Liberal heavy weights having some form of tourettes inspired breakdown. Dont they have a country to run at some point, or is this the way to our future, just say BB and all will magically fall into place. So good to see in the middle of a stockmarket meltdown that the Treasurer didnt once take the time to bother with economics. Oh I am gonna need a large box of tissues and a court order to get through to the date when the election is announced, then I will get seriously excited and my neighbours will once again apply for those pesky restraining orders...

News from the North
Oh the delicious stench wafting from the north, while Howard grants $2.9 billion dollars of pure pork to marginal electorates in Queensland for road projects that the state government doesn't want and claims should go to areas in much greater need (but not so marginal for the Libs), the barely sitting members offices are being raided by the AFP over rorting of his electoral allowance.

Australian Federal Police (AFP) officers raided the offices of the three Liberal MPs - member for Moreton Gary Hardgrave, member for Bowman Andrew Laming and member for Bonner Ross Vasta

The less than honorable, Mr Hardgrave:

"It's got nothing to do with me," he said. "I've done nothing wrong. They were simply trying to verify some things. It is absolutely nothing I've done or nothing my office has done."

If it works for a few ministers before a royal commission, its gotta work in front of a few television cameras, dont it?

say it again Mr Howard, BBBBBBBBBurke, bbbbbbburke.

Skuzzball news: all thats fit to be printed about
The right dishourable, Christopher Pyne, Grand Mufti of Poonce

what do we know about Abbotts mini-me, Chrisopher Pyne? Here are some of his own words:

we know that he reads exotic pornography "They have more positions than the karma sutra!"

we know he favours "Turning Australia into an international nuclear waste dump" and knows it"is a hard-sell policy" and that "The Australian Government is now looking at building the facility in one of three potential locations in the Northern Territory."

We also know that he is against using australia as a toxic waste dump as "it is currently illegal, and the Australian Government has already indicated that we will not be making any changes to the law to allow it. While we may make a few quick dollars in the short term, by prostituting our wonderful land, our international reputation would be sullied as we became branded as the waste dump of the world." So good to see a man of such principles who studies exotic pornography can hold utterly contradictory positions with such aplomb.

We know he wants us to "recognise that the ABC must find an additional revenue source, by introducing "between-program" advertising."

We know that he equates harm minimumisation with "Vladimir Lenin’s “useful fools” (aristocrats who supported the revolution) unknowingly aided and abetted the Communists slaughter and mass dispossession in Russia, so too are drug testers unwittingly aiding drugs tsars by wanting to test drugs at “rave” parties."

Despite a wealth of evidence to the contrary, he implies only losers take drugs, "because unless we work together the only winners will be the drug dealers." Tell that to GW Bush, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, John Lennon, Anthony Eden, Elvis Presley, Barack Obama, Winston Churchill, Tony Blair, the pakistan cricket team and all the boys of the old East German Womens Swimming team.

We know that the people in his electorate are fuckwits because "Every three years my constituents are given the choice to re-elect me or choose someone else" and so far they havent chosen the sensible alternative.

He thinks that the Therapeutic Goods Administration should be in jail because they have allowed RU-486 "it is worse than a crime of omission – it is a crime of commission."

He thinks that the attacks on the world trade centre were just like a broadway show, "the unforgettable attack in New York ." and doesnt want to alarm you but "the thought that you might not survive a trip to the supermarket is unthinkable", even though he just thought it.

We know he endorses gassing small animals "Miners would use a caged canary in the mine shaft to indicate whether any toxic gases were in the air as an early warning system"

He goes further and wants to gass the middle east, "For many of us, is the canary in the coal mine in the Middle East , and in the war against terror", such sophisticated understandoing of the worlds problems leads one to want him as our Foreign Minister.

When John Howard calls the election he has threaten to roger all and sundry while possibly on a crystal meth bender, "no-one in politics will get much sleep on this year’s election night."

We know that he is a shameless self promoter, "Pyning for the front benches" a snippet from his very own website, which states "we are seeing a political star in the ascendant". We also find out that he has been hawking others speeches, "publishes $1 regular series of essays, including contributions by ministers" in what is surely a grand scamm of Nigerian Prince proportions, as all these speeches are on the public register and completely free.

We know that he himself has indulged in flagrant abuses such as "Schoolies week isn’t a new idea, I remember heading down" where he acknowledges "News reports of drunkenness and violence at schoolies" and his involvement at first hand , but thats ok its just "students would be looking to blow off some steam after the exams are over" and that the drug taking and excessive drinking"would define the future for the rest of my life, and I suspect little has changed for students today."

For all his blatant hypocrisy I label him as many do, "poonce" or maybe a more apt title is Grand Mufti of Poonce"

Meanwhile in a prison far, far away..the angry delusion continues.

PM Fairly Floss gets angry about a delay that he has so far ignored for five years, "I am angry" he shouts to no one in particular. His January deadline, that was also a cause of his anger in january, came and went without anyone in a position to calm him down, noticing just how "angry" he was, so March rolls around, and his anger management course has still not begun. He is of course "angry" that his AngerManagement Program 101 is delayed and not due to start until, as the doctor said "the man calms down a little and he stops muttering Brian Burke".

A little to the right of PM FF, sits Colonel Davis, who one day while picking tulips in a green tropical field on a little conservative island surrounded by a socialist paradise, suggests that the man charged with defending someone will be charged himself for defending that someone. He, of course, gets angry that anyone would suggest that he suggested what he said was in any way what he said, it was only a suggestion and not in any way what he said, he suggested.

A little further to the right again, a serious man in a serious uniform informs his freinds that wounded soldiers love to sleep in their own urine, blaming the press for "yellow journalism". This was the same serious man who investigated the utterly untrue stories about Anger Islands residents, "they love abuse, you only hurt the ones you love, and I love em, ever so much." Besides, as is always the case, it had nothing to do with them, it was the "junior officers". On Anger Island, like the rest of the world, if you are in charge, it means you look down for direction and up for love. No care and no responsibilty (until it hits the press and they have photos), the new management credo of Anger Island.


Stay tuned for more from Anger Island, a happy place where angry people learn to love thier anger and embrace the defence of the indefensible.


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