Thursday, March 08, 2007

melanie phillips, mainstreaming of an extremist

There is a persistent refusal to accept that we are in the throes of a holy war waged upon the western world for more than 25 years without our even recognising it because it doesn’t fit our definition of war. It is a world war being fought in many disparate theatres with many proximate causes, but all with one single coherent aim: to defeat western civilisation, establish Islam as the dominant power in the world and restore the medieval Islamic caliphate.

People are rightly concerned not to tar all Muslims with the brush of Islamist conquest. But at same time, it is false to deny that Islamism is the dominant force in the Muslim and Arab world.

How have we survived so many years in the face of our eminent extermination by radical muslims and the continued survival of the Iranian nation? And what about muslims in general, dont they just by their very existance, threaten us? Dont they as a whole, homogenised group make our lives just impossible?

And if we cant blow up and invade Iran, what hope do we really have?

All these questions are answered in typical melanie phillips fashion, and if you answer no to any of the above you are simply playing into Osamas hands and dooming your children to a life of brutal sharia law, no matter what part of Hawthorn you live in.

Melanie bemoans the "fact" that the Bush administration cant find evidence of Irans direct involvment in Iraq.

This is hopeless. How can the west be defended when America is not even able to present a coherent case for the involvement of Iran in Iraq? The evidence of this involvement has been known for years. This was finally rammed home when a group on Iranian officers was captured in Iraq, whose documents left the Americans aghast at the vast extent of Iran’s involvement in Iraq — which these officers apparently said had been sanctioned at the highest level.

If by coherent you mean fact based and if by fact you mean fabrication, then you are set.

The Iranian Officers were consular staff in the free Kurdish city of Erbil, in the full knowledge of the Kurdish President and with his complete blessing as the Kurdish area trades freely with Iran. Not only that the Kurdish PM lambasted the Americans for the raid, calling it a blatant mistake and just foolish. The documents that Melanie refers to have never been made public and do you doubt that if they did as Melanie suggested, the Bushies wouldnt have plastered them all over the news? In fact all American officals, even the anonymouse scources have all said the exact opposite, that their is no evidence of anything "sanctioned at the highest levels".

"Meanwhile, Iran speeds towards genocide"

"Meanwhile, we plunge ever deeper into total irrationality"

Meanwhile the irrationality that we are plunging deeper into is our inability to fabricate evidence against Iran without it being held to any account. Surely the same people who gave us the slam dunk of evidence against Iraq can be trusted to never fabricate or conflate anything. Why should we need proof when we can just accept any old shit as "proof", sure the documents aren't available, just trust us they say what we want them to say. Sure the consular officals were there at the behest of the legitimate elected government and spent their days writing out visas, that is surely proof enough that they were in fact highly trained commandos deep undercover. They had a fax machine for gods sake? A fax machine! This is a highly specialised piece of military hardware designed purely with offensive capabilites to tranfer secret documents, secretly. A fax machine! When will you people wake up and stop this destruction of all that the west holds dear.

After the Obama/Democratic Party smear by our sleazy PM Brianburke Brianburke, Ms Phillips applauded

Way to go, John! Not for the first time, I mourn the fact that John Howard can’t run for US President himself.

Just what we need, another president who plays ugly party politics with national security, she then turns to justifying the "stupidist fucking guy on the face of the earth" Doug Fieth with more utter facile bullshit from the uber rightwing Weekly Standard, rehashing the same 1% possibly true claims of those who justifyied the Iraq War.

If you only ever watch fox news or read the Weekly Standard, you should be aware that your knowledge of the world is decreased, not increased as studies have shown, and this is where Melanie gets all her facts and hysteria from, the same base of paranoid nutbags. Its not that she is trapped in a past that has been thouroughly discredited, its that even when a particular point has been thoroughly debunked, she will keep on saying it as though it were undisputed fact. This is pure Cheney territory, no matter what the facts are, just hope the other person has no idea what you are talking about and repeat ad nasuem. Cheney, to this day still spreads the completely debunked crap about Mohamed Atta meeting with Iraqi agents in Europe, despite the CIA and the FBI pointing to the fact that Atta was in America at the time, and they have more than enough genuine proof for their side of the argument. But here is where the rub lies, if one person other than yourself believes in the lie, then your lie is backed up by others, thereby making it in some way true. And if you read such uber right trash as Frontpagemag, then any and all of your paranoid fantasies will find some sympathy, and this you can use as evidence to turn your shit into "fact".

Because so many Muslims genuinely believe they are under attack by the west, which is a giant conspiracy to destroy Islam. So they perceive their own aggression as legitimate self-defence, and the west’s defence as aggression.

melanie, you are saying the exact same thing, just reverse muslims and west, and you have your argument in a nutshell.

The police are still struggling with the paralysis of political correctness. They have now realised they are up against an enemy with a sophisticated strategy of dissimulation and entrapment, ever since a sting in which a fruitless raid resulted in a non-fatal shooting with the Islamists milking the incident for all they were worth.

Melanie, forgets the shooting of an innocent Brazilian, forgets that of all the arrests for "terrorism" in the UK, less than 4% have resulted in charges of terrorism being brought and then she wonders why Muslims complain that they are being unfairly targeted. But once more facts should never get in the way of a good theory, ask doug fieth about that one.

It is only if we act against the ideology that is spreading such falsehood and hatred, and stop its advance under the umbrella of minority rights, that we have any chance of defending the free world. ...It also means facing down in public the lies spread about the west. Only if we stop deluding ourselves and take such action necessary for our survival will we stop sleepwalking to defeat.

Melanie, couldnt agree more, facts, reason and truth, not falsehoods, irrationality and hatred are the key, but when you are the one pushing the falsehoods, irrationality and hatred, and people listen to your repetition ad nasuem and internalise them as though they were the be all and end of the conversation, then all shall go on repeating as if history and facts have no place in our lives.

Surely they have no place in your hysterical rantings.


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