Thursday, March 15, 2007

distractions on a windy day

PM Puffy Nipples and the porn star.

How delicious are the current spate of headlines, our morally high minded PM caught in bed with a "violent Brisbane pornographer" while the ever so catholic dog ball sniffer, the lying Tony Abbot admits "I've just had breakfast with 60 drug dealers".

"The Prime Minister, once again, has been exposed for his double standards." claims Wayne Swan and lets hope that it is all he exposed.

Meanwhile serial anti-feminist, Santo Santoro, new minister for dodgy deals refuses to answer anymore questions on his own dodgy deals until he can get his story straight. Sure he is "technically" in breach of ministerial guidelines, in the same way Saddam was technically in breach of UN sanctions, sure he cant get his own story straight and only confesses when confronted with evidence, sure he does dirty dealings for cash favours in his own portfolio and then lies about giving the money to "charity", but hell, its all just one more day in the life of fun at PM Puffy Nipples House of Bondage, but defintely no discipline.

Adding to this layer of intrigue are the pending charges against the three (count em 3) sitting federal liberals for rorting their printing expenses and you can see why the present government are throwing as much mud as they can at Kevin Rudd, they have just so much dripping off them they can afford to spread it around in the hope the electorate doesnt notice where that stink is coming from.
For whom does that rancid blocked sewer flush, I fear it doth splash and gurgle for thee Puffy.


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