Thursday, April 05, 2007

hugh's little laugh

Hugh Morgan, the PM's free market point man on all things nuclear, finally came out of his bunker to explain a few things about what he and ron walker have planned for australia's new nuclear industry.

Firstly, he slyly hinted at the first port of call for his companies dollars, a repositry for the worlds nuclear waste in the vast area between WA and SA, chiefly because it is geologically stable, but equally as important for Hugh is australia's stable political climate. So Premier Rann, balls in your court, take all the worlds nuclear waste, dump it in your desert and make Hugh a tidy profit or not, with the high court willing to override any states objections in favour of the federal sphere, go fuck your self way underground, just make sure you provide the infrastructure, free of charge and all will be well.
The funniest part of his answers came from his unashamed abuse of public fear of the consequences of global warming to push his nuclear barrow, he is a complete climate skeptic. "I believe there has been some climate change", however he disputes any link between human activities and warming or change, he calls Inconvient Truth "a monutmental beat up" as is global warming. He said that on "many occasions when the comunity has got it wrong, and has still been prepared to pay for it" and he is just the man to push the barrow load of cash in his direction.
His instant dismissal of all alternatives is so Howard like, dovetailing all arguments into the nuclear funnel, its not difficult to realise why we have so few solar collectors on our roof's and so little concrete evidence of our government taking any energy scource, other than those approved by the minerals council and hugh, seriously. The simple fact is that we can already supply our energy needs via alternate means, we just need a method of storing the power on days of peak use (and thats around 57 days a year on average) which requires much more investment to develop and are surely closer than clean coal or nuclear, such carbon blocks in water make for great storage vessels for heat, and I aint no genius, so surely there are ways and means to this end. Its just that while people like hugh have the PM's undying love and ear, there will be no way for the government to provide anything like the support the country needs to develop the myriad alternative fuels, and that is yet another shameful legacy of the Howard regime. Like the Bushies freinds in the coal and oil industry writing his energy policy, our PM is trappped inside a bubble of deceitful minds, all probing away at the public purse to fund their own particular sectors and alternate workable solutions be damned along the way.
One does get tired of the tired old line that baseload power can only come from three sectors, nuclear, coal and gas, it places innovation in a straightjacket and is as much bullshit as can be found in a million viewings of an inconvient truth. The old ideas are just ridiculous self justifying ideological positionings, such as Malcolm Turnbulls calls of "unilateral" when the whole world is talking climate change, or his "destroying industry" crap through emmsion targets, which hugh took up with gusto.
If you wish to cut emmisons from your toaster by 60%, you therefore must only use 60% of your toasters power or you must throw out your fridge in order to use your toaster. Its the only way people. Alternate energy and emmision reductions without damaging our economy are in hughs words "pipe dreams". Bullshit and double bullshit, green scources of energy make that sort of idea complete scare mongering idiocy, a kilowatt of wave, geo-thermal or solar eneergy make your toaster go with those cuts in emmisions readily avaiable, even with existing technology. Dont fall for the fear, go with your head and not your ever so easily spooked wallet. The extremists on this side are not the greenies, its the lobbyists for the traditional energy suppliers, like Hugh, when ideas are denounced with no regard for the sense they make, you know you are dealing with a zealot, but unfortunately a zealot with the ear of the prevailing powers that be.


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