Monday, June 04, 2007

the big bang theory...again

How do you respond to a fantasy? You cant say its true, you cant prove its not about to happen, you cant regard it as though it happened and you cant live your life as if the fantasy were true when clearly its nothing of the sort.
Its another day and its another set of headlines loudly hailing the thwarting of another plot which would have ended the world as we know it. Devastion on a scale unimaginable to all except those with an imagination and calculator, 10 x 9/11 x 4, the east coast of the US utterly uninhabitable, terrror upon terror upon crippling terror. The "War On Terror" rolls along as one big fabricated headline, you cant get much of a headline out of "four men charged with outragously stupid idea that would never have worked, no matter how much they tried".
The problem is that the prosectutors in the war on terror seem to be able to believe things that are plainly impossible, and things that are impossible and already guarded against, they roll their headlines over as if the worst case scenario were the everyday and really, just par for the course. Four tonnes of plutonium, easy get, most street corners, cemtex the same, the question is not how people can get the stuff to wipe out the world, the question is, if all the prosecutors claim were even marginally true, why the world hasnt been blown up a dozen times by 12 year olds concocting dirty bombs in their lunch hours.
Four men, with no money to buy explosives, with no explosives, no means beside their goverment informer to get the explosives, with no expertise in bombmaking or detonation, were going to override all the safety features built into 26 miles of pipelines and refineries and blow up new york. C'mon, once again, its the dirty bomb, the plot to blow up the brooklyn bridge, the sears tower demolition all over again. Outlandish ideas, and oversized plots require at least a modicum of knowledge about whats possible, not just downloading a picture from google earthwatch.
Still the prosecutors of the war on terror are determined to wring every last dollar out of the governments coffers to fight the good fight, and you can only do that with "plots" that make the average James Bond movie look down right realistic.
"The devastation that would be caused had this plot succeeded is just unthinkable."
Whats really unthinkable is those in authority saying that the "plotters" lacked the money, the expertise, the ability, in fact in all areas of actually making the plot work, they lacked, except the ability to spot a police informer goading them into saying something stupid and incriminating. Chalk up another victory for the war on terrors budget, it just got bigger by a factor on one fantasy explosion that wiped out new york. I feel safer already.
I bet the plot gets a hell of a lot bigger before they get to trial, then gets considerably smaller when the need to present evidence overwhelmes the desire for their shot at the nightly news. By then its old news and the budgets grown comensurate with the mast head.


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