Thursday, August 02, 2007

mmm blair refreshing

finally Blair lite, Kevin Rudd gets his glutes primed and his message right, pump those ab's bitch, blitz through the pain:

Rudd launches attack on Andrews
August 2, 2007

Federal Labor leader Kevin Rudd has launched his strongest attack on Immigration Minister Kevin Andrews over the Haneef case, listing a string of inconsistencies in the minister's statements.
Labor has supported in principle the government's handling of the terror case against Indian doctor Mohamed Haneef but has called for an independent judicial inquiry.

Mr Rudd went a step further today, outlining a series of inconsistent statements by Mr Andrews since the minister cancelled Dr Haneef's work visa last month.

"Take this for example - on 27 July Mr Andrews says he would not release Dr Haneef from immigration detention, on 28 July he releases Dr Haneef from immigration detention," Mr Rudd told Southern Cross Broadcasting.

"I don't know the basis for the change in that position.
"On 28 July, Mr Andrews claimed that he had no objection to Haneef leaving Australia; on 29 July Mr Andrews claimed Haneef's decision to leave actually heightened rather than lessened his suspicions.
"And on 29 July, Mr Andrews claimed that Dr Haneef attempted to fly home to India, his baby having been born for a month at that stage, and later he admitted it had only been born six days previous.
"All I'm saying is that these positions are difficult for us to understand, those most recent positions and statements by Mr Andrews."
The only way to restore public confidence that the case had been handled properly was through an independent judicial inquiry, he said.
"We're getting bits and pieces of new information every day and I think the view of your listeners and the public right across Australia is they would actually like to know the whole picture, the whole story," he said.
Rudd, Gillard and Garrett are starting to look comfortable in there roles, bring on the election.


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