Wednesday, August 01, 2007

weasle words can only come from the mouths of weasils

Fuk me to illustrate how much Kevin Andrews fuked up, 52% of herald sun readers have backed calls for his resignation, when the most conservative, lock em up, hang em and worry about guilt or innocence afterwards crowd calls your decisions fuked, you are truly fuked.
Eels are slimy, but they taste great, weasels are, well weaselly, but I have no personal experience of how they taste, I just know that going on the previous few weeks, they must be a very dark, bitter, self serving flavour, topped by a big dash of hubris sauce and flambeed in arrogance by the grand chef of the elite, Downer.

smears and weasels

"He's done numerous press conference in India ... why didn't this bloke actually turn up and front the Australian media and let them ask questions?" he said.

Except that he was shepherded by a phalanx of immigration department staff, and he did give an exclusive interview to 60 minutes, so the minister is completely wrong.

"As far as I'm aware there's nothing that's been left out of that."

except the original, what we have is an AFP translation, maybe accurate, maybe inaccurate and we have been told all along that Haneef had a full and complete explanation in the still "secret" second interview which Andrews has not sought to be released.

Andrews received advice from the solicitor general.....

Yes, too true, the solicitor general told him that he does indeed have the power to make a decision, not that the decision was good bad or utterly fuked up six ways from sunday, just that he does indeed have the power of his own portfolio, weasel words of sage advice. If the minister had asked the same question, does the PM have the power of the PM, the answer would have been the same, yes, does that prove that he is not a sniveling little piece of shit, the answer is no.

Re: the phone calls haneef made to the british police

"I came to the conclusion I did, and as I said, nothing since then has altered the position I came to. Indeed other information provided to me heightens or reiterates that suspicion in my mind."

In other words, I did not consider any information that may conflict with my opinion. You are a brave man for a weasel.

Re: the tortured release of "secret" information.

funny it was all released two weeks ago, we now just get the bits andrews has decided show him in the best light, but laughably, none of the stuff that says the opposite. Funny that.

Andrews also goes onto say that the release of any other material is entirely up to the AFP, the AFP say that it is up to the Minister to ask for the material, the minister says its up to the AFP to release it, who wont until the minister asks...gets that weasel circle going. Same goes for the original chat comments in their original language..round we go.

Kev makes sure to include that word and emphasise it before the word departure. eg

"The whole circumstances surrounding Haneef's attempted hasty departure, including the chat room conversations, when viewed against his clear prior association with the Ahmed brothers, led me to form a reasonable suspicion, as required by the Act."

The clear association, his two cousins he has admitted seeing 2-3 times in the 12 months prior to the bombing, but not in the last 5 months. C'mon.

From the master of disaster, Phil Ruddock

"The system is working as intended."

If that's the case, the system is completely debased and needs to be taken out of the hands of those who debased it and replaced with something worthwhile.
Mr Andrews said he would act in the safety and interest of Australians.
If that statement is in any way true, he would have resigned.


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