Friday, August 03, 2007

the 499

Is it a record? 499 broken promises in under 5 hours.

Wednesday, the PM takes over a Tasmania Hospital. Says its one of many, a radical shift in the underlying ecology of the entire state/federal relationship and absolutely nothing to do with the fact that Braddon is one of the Libs most marginal seats, nothing, he didn't even realise it before jetting down there, he just assumed that every seat in the country was a safe liberal seat surrounded by evil labor state governments.

Thursday morning, Tony Abbott calls for any other hospitals in similar positions to call him and the Feds will look at doing the same. Claims that his phone has been ringing off the hook with queries and people just begging to be given that "special" treatment by the PM.

Thursday Noon, Tony Abbot is still on, "just call me, have we got a deal for you" this is of "seismic significance". Yes but can it be seen from the moon?

Thursday, 5.00pm, Tony now says the Tasmanian deal is a one off, "unique" situation, stop calling coz the deal he was spruiking a few hours ago was a mis-print and that in fact maybe he never said it at all, a very clever imitator had been wandering the nation selling false info.

The funniest thing is that as of 12.00 today, no paper is reporting Abbots "unique" comments, just his original offer, which leads me to wonder whether he has made another U-turn or if the media in general just forgot what he said coz he has made so many flip flops before that they may as well just report the one that seems right. Such details are so unimportant in comparison to a headline.

The AMA were quick to point out when the PM did the power grab that there were some 500 hospitals in similar circumstances, so that means that there are 499 broken promises by this government in a mere 5 hours, surely a world record. I would be happy to be contradicted on this.

Meanwhile, once the photo-op was over for the PM and the headlines read $45 million, the details just happened to get lost.

Was it $45 million in new money, or $45 million of old money taken straight from the Tasmanian budget, ummmm, who knows. Will the PM now cut the Tasmanian allocation of federal funding by $45 million? How did he get the figure of $45 million to run the hospital, all previous figures to run the hospital said the running cost was closer to $60 million, so that's a fair few layoffs to get to the PM's number. Was this another of the PM's back of an envelope jobs? What services would be provided, same, different, ....who knows?

Where were the doctors coming from? ummmmmm, who knows. Will the newly acquired federal staff be placed under AWA's? ummmm.... Some detail would be nice, any detail, please...? once the cameras stop, and the headlines fade, who the hell cares, the PM got front page and a lot of PR for doing little more than making a lot of hot air.

And if he now reneges on Tony Abbots earlier promises, does that mean the cost of adding a few percentage points to the libs popularity in one seat, will mean a loss of popularity in 499 towns?

PETER COSTELLO: Well look this is an announcement that's been made in relation to a particular hospital and I think it's very welcome. The hospital would have closed otherwise and the Federal Government has been able to step in and to save that hospital.

Then there's the government Lie's, the hospital was not about to be closed and petes not gonna stand by and let a general principle become a general principal. I am confused, one arm of Howard is saying that its for all hospitals in a similar position, Howard's other hand is waving about saying its not. Which is it,or is it on a polling margin by polling margin basis? More tax payer funded focus groups please so the government can sort out its next advertising blitz.

Of course, not that this has anything to do with politics, but Friar Abbot attacked Rudd, accusing him of "far too much fudge and waffle" in refusing to instantly agree with whatever it really is that Abbot and Howard have said, which is funny considering that Kevin Andrews attacked Rudd for agreeing with the government last week. In a pre-election atmosphere, being terminally confused and an unmedicated sufferer of bi-polar disorder as a strategy has a certain, cant lose, quality to it.

After yet another rash, brash, piece of purely political vote buying masquerading as policy, doesn't it just show how desperate Howard is to get his face on the front page of a newspaper with a good news byline, as opposed to his usual flailing panic stricken sunken self. Whats $45 million if it means the PM gets a few more votes, surely the country can afford to let the man give away pork barrelled sandwiches after 11 years of Sterling service to himself, the libs and various bizarre christian cults.

Meanwhile we just have to look forward to a government that governs on principals that are made up on the back of postage stamps, changes its stance hourly and by the minister you happen to talk to. The funniest thing to me is that the Australian today branded this a winner for Howard, when you walk all sides to the street at all hours, how can you lose?

Who do you trust to tell you whatever you want to hear? the answers not hard...its either fox news or.....


Remember this statement from the Treasurer P. Costello
"the governments broadband policy will not cost the taxpayer one cent"

well it appears that the statement is true, it will cost one billion dollars, and grew in costs from $600 million when the government finally put away the envelope it normally works its costings on and bought a calculator. At least that's what Telstra are suing the Government for.

Telstra spokesman Jeremy Mitchell says the Minister has refused to provide documents explaining her decision to reject the company's bid.

"We just want to find out the truth," he said. "Were the goal posts changed and were others given information that we weren't entitled to?"

another revolving, evolving, flapping about policy from Howard, more amusing by the ever changing hour.

The NSW Liberal Right: a land of the bizarre, a home of the extreme

Michael Towke, the Liberal candidate for the New South Wales seat of Cook, has sparked a string of controversy with his dubious resume and complete refusal to talk to the media.

AWA fun:

get paid $3.00 an hour for the honor of being "employed", get charged $12,000 for the honor of being trained. As Joe Hockey says, "its complicated". Sure is, must be the "sophistication" of the union campaign that has the boss confused.


Ms Piper said she was sometimes made to wait around for up to an hour after she was due to start her rostered shift before management deemed the restaurant busy enough for her shift to begin. Mr Wilson said his agency was still investigating claims that young workers were made to supply their own money floats each day so that cash could be deducted when a customer absconded without paying the bill.

Nothing somistomphacted about that.


Two trolley collection companies have underpaid workers by almost $300,000, Workplace Ombudsman Nicholas Wilson says. Mr Wilson alleges some 135 trolley collectors have been underpaid by Risborg Pty Ltd and MK Angelopolous Pty Ltd.

Mr Wilson alleged Risborg underpaid some 130 of its casual trolley collectors by about $250,000. The company also paid the workers as little as $6.50 an hour - well below the federal minimum wage of $16.16 an hour, Mr Wilson alleged. He alleged MK Angelopolous underpaid five of their trolley collectors by more than $28,000. "Trolley collector workers are often the most vulnerable of the vulnerable in the workforce and in the community," Mr Wilson said in a statement. "Many of the long term unemployed and those affected by mental illness and other disabilities work in the sector.

mmm somiftificating. Must be the unions fault or Kevin Rudds.


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