Wednesday, August 15, 2007

minky shines

Most ridiculous item of the day:

The Bush administration is preparing to declare that Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps is a foreign terrorist organization, senior administration officials said Tuesday.

Its more than a little like declaring the US Marines a terrorist organisation, but then the Bushies are doing all they can to provoke a jump in the Republican polls by doing something nastier to Iran than just making any old shit up. Guess they must be getting frustrated with all those "intelligence reports" having gaping holes poked in them by anyone who's curious enough to think.

Followed by the re-emergence from hiding of Pauline Hanson, who apparently has forgiven the Asians for daring to bring down whitely by living in Australia, she now knows the real problem was them pesky Muslims daring to bring down whitely by living anywhere by Muslimvania. I wish her all the best mining that rich vein of public funding that goes with losing at an election, so much more lucrative than the dole, eh Pauline.


Now I'm not one to rub shit in the face of a monkey, even if its the monkey who threw the shit in the first place, animals have the right to express their perfectly valid opinions in whichever medium they or evolution sees fit. So I shall just try and let these monkeys hurl it all in their own style. Off the record, of course.


TREASURER Peter Costello vowed 2½ years ago to destroy John Howard's leadership if the Prime Minister did not hand over the reins.

PM Lyin Rodent:

"Mr Costello and I have a wonderful, harmonious, professional relationship."

Disgruntled Goat, Costello:


"I'm not going to get into an argument with them," he told reporters today.
"They have their recollections, I certainly have mine."

"I have never urged supporters of mine to carp against the prime minister nor have I ever urged supporters of mine to do anything which would undermine the Liberal Party," he said.
"In the course of that dinner a lot of things were said, a lot of very interesting things were said.

"But I want to make it clear that I have never carped against the prime minister nor did I ever go to the backbench."

A short time ago, in the far off distant land of Ticker:

he predicted Mr Howard could not win the coming election.
In a conversation that revealed the depth of his disdain for the Prime Minister, Mr Costello set a deadline of April 2006 for Mr Howard to hand him the leadership. If this did not occur, he vowed he would challenge the Prime Minister.
He recognised that he was unlikely to win such a challenge, but said he would go to the back bench and foment turmoil. He said he would "carp" at Mr Howard's leadership and "destroy it".

Liberal Party needed him as leader if it was to win this year's election. And he declared Mr Howard would have no chance with any other deputy.
Why would he risk everything on such drastic action, Mr Costello was asked. "Because he (Howard) will lose the election," the Treasurer said.
"He can't win. I can. We can, but he can't."

The possibly sober journos:

"We're simply putting on the record what he says that he never said."
Mr Wright said he took notes during the dinner, which was attended by him and his then-Bulletin colleague Paul Daley as well as ABC journalist Michael Brissenden.
He said the dinner became "quite spectacular in its language" about how Mr Costello wanted Mr Howard to step aside and allow him to become prime minister.
Mr Costello told them that if Mr Howard didn't stand aside or he lost a leadership challenge, he would "blast him out", Mr Wright said.
"(He said) if he didn't (win), he would be prepared to go on the backbench and carp .. that was his word," he said.

"I think it matters because it is about integrity and honesty."

the very reasonable, Federal Liberal Candidate Hamish Jones:

describing Victorian Public Transport Minister Lynne Kosky as a "fuckwit" and a "bitch".

describes former federal Liberal minister Dana Vale as a "dickkhead" and says he was appalled that Holocaust denier David Irving received a three-year jail term.

describes the former premier as a "terrorist supporter" for failing to disendorse controversial Islamic candidate Khalil Eideh.

"If only Bracks, or one of his ministers, could be caught with kiddie porn, then maybe there would be some interest in this f..king boring campaign."

The one-time phone salesman supports parents having to obtain a "baby licence" to reproduce and boasts about taking on "union hack" Bill Shorten, the Labor high-flyer expected to win Maribyrnong.

LIBERAL backbencher Wilson Tuckey:

letter reportedly said it told Mr Howard that he continued to lag Kevin Rudd in the polls and "it was time to stand down".


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